Telomere - Wikipedia

Google: lengthen telomeres naturally Telomere - Wikipedia Telomeres are repetitive nucleotide sequences located at the termini of l...

Showing posts with label induced stem cells. Show all posts
Showing posts with label induced stem cells. Show all posts

TeloRevive Cat's Claw

Is Your Face Revealing Your Age?
Is Your Face Revealing Your Age?
When I first launched my Revive formula, it was a hit from day one.
Meet Al Sears, M.D.

America's #1 Anti-Aging MD Pioneers Natural Beauty In An Unnatural World

As one of the first doctors ever to be board certified in anti-aging medicine and a certified nutritionist, Dr. Al Sear, MD, specializes in developing natural beauty formulas to help his patients avoid the synthetic, toxic chemicals used in today's unnatural products.
Pure Radiance includes a unique family of science-based, natural formulas including a sunscreen, "stem cell based" skin serum, internal beauty cleanse, and even the first skin cell DNA rejuvenation cream, based on Nobel Prize winning, telomere technology.
Dr. Sears' commitment to beauty without chemicals keeps him on the cutting edge of anti-aging cosmetic science and skin care technology. His journeys to the most remote regions on earth to find native secrets enable him to create one-of-a-kind formulas for his Pure Radiance brand that you cannot get anywhere else.

Media Appearances

The women in my office raved about it.
And when patients walked into my clinic, they greeted me with huge smiles.
It’s not hard to understand.
There’s nothing like the rush of excitement that comes from seeing real results. Or the warm glow you get when people can’t stop talking about how good you look.
Revive works where most commercial products fail because of the ingredient teprenone, a groundbreaking nutrient that programs your skin to produce younger and younger cells.
And my patients, world-wide, have seen remarkable results because of it....
Edward P. of Ljublijama, Slovenia says, “I’ve had a good experience with Revive. I use it for dark spots on my face and it has removed 50% of them. Now my wife wants to use it too.”
Annelise M. of Copenhagen, Denmark says, “I used Revive on my face morning and evening for 3 weeks and the wrinkles have almost disappeared. I am 55 and this is pretty amazing. My skin looks younger and radiant. I tried a lot: This is a break through indeed!”
And Sandra A. of Long Beach, CA says:
“I have used one jar of Revive and I ordered 3 more. I find that this product has helped with fine lines and has helped reduce redness in my facial skin. It also helps exfoliate so my skin appears smoother. I use it on my face and neck daily and sometimes on my face and arms.
I love this product. My skin looks clearer and less wrinkled that before I started using it.”
But guess what? Now, it’s even better...
All thanks to the combination of teperone and a few new ingredients I found – the first of which I discovered while backpacking through the Amazon, which:
yesFirms up loose, sagging skin
yesSmooths out stubborn wrinkles
yesImproves skin color and tone
yesEliminates the appearance of age spots
yesMakes dry, rough skin smooth and moist again
You see, it was in 1985, my first year in medical school when I first found out about teprenone. I had just read an article by Elizabeth Blackburn in the journal Cell showing how a single-celled organism could rebuild the small caps at the ends of their delicate DNA.
We already knew there must be some mechanism—or “control switch”—inside every cell that determined how fast we age. Then, Blackburn and her team identified the enzyme that restored these protective caps, or telomeres.
At the time, I remember thinking how significant this discovery was. Indeed, Blackburn and colleagues would go on to win the Nobel Prize in medicine for their remarkable discovery.
Still, I was totally surprised by what happened next
in the story of the telomere…
It was May, 1990 and I was just finishing up medical school. I ran across an article in the journal Nature titled, “Telomeres Shorten During Aging of Human Fibroblasts” by Cal Harley.
Harley discovered that telomeres in human cells get shorter as you age. And, he proposed that if you could control this shortening, you might be able to control the signs of aging.
Control aging? That’s when it really struck me.
In fact, I felt such a strong hunch about the significance of this discovery that I immediately grabbed an index card and wrote, “The world will never be the same again!”
Even today, I still wonder how I could have known what an important discovery this would be to my future…and my ability to change lives.
Hands down, this achievement in cellular technology has been the most exciting discovery in the field of anti-aging. It’s something I’ve been following for nearly 25 years.
Now, our breakthrough formula using this technology has completely changed how the world looks at skin aging.
In fact, by applying a little known technique using this DNA technology, my patients are amazed to see how easy it is to get younger looking skin.
By going deep within your DNA—in the nucleus of every cell—we’ll show how you too can access the “control switch” that determines whether your skin cells look old or look young.
Or more accurately, how they “act.” Turn the switch on…and your cells act young. Turn it off…and your cells act old.
For more than two decades, studies have been piling up that prove using this remarkable mechanism can stop—even reverse—the appearance of aging.
By simply flipping your body’s DNA “control switch”, you too can finally get rid of those ugly signs of aging.
Incredibly, most makers of skin care products and cosmetics—even the big drug companies—have completely overlooked this anti-aging technique. In fact, you won’t find it in any department store. Or, hear about it from your dermatologist. Yet, this technique could do for you what decades of prescription drugs, surgery, or cosmetics haven’t.
Flipping your cellular “control switch” is critical if you want to look and feel younger than your years.
Incredibly, we’ve just given this technology an added “boost”. So now, you can get younger looking skin—even faster and more effectively than we originally thought possible—by simply flipping your own DNA “control switch.”
I’ll show you in a moment how easy it is to do just that. But first, it’s important to know that…
You Finally Have Control Over How Old You “Look”
I’ve been sharing this groundbreaking research in “DNA technology” with you for some time now. It’s the most credible explanation ever discovered for how we age. For the first time, scientists provided a “blueprint” for keeping cells young.
In fact, this life-changing discovery in anti-aging medicine won the Nobel Prize in 2009!
Yet all it takes…is a simple flip of a little known “control switch” inside your body’s cells. It’s a technique I’ve been showing my patients for only the past few years. Once you learn how, you too can get skin that looks and feels years younger than your biological age. In many cases, much younger.
If it’s the first time you’ve heard of this cellular technology, here’s how it works…
Structures called telomeres (tel' -?-mîr') protect the ends of your DNA. These protective “caps” tell every cell in your skin how old they are. Or more accurately, how old to “act.”
TeloRevive Telomeres are the “protective tips” or “caps” at the end of each strand of DNA.
Yet each time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter. And the shorter your telomeres get…the older your cells “act”.
That’s where some in the mainstream medical establishment continue to get it wrong. All these years, we’ve been taught that when our cells divide, the new cells were an exact replica of the old ones.
But with the discovery of the telomere, we know this isn’t true. When older cells with shorter telomeres divide, the new cells actually grow weaker and older!
Increasingly, new cells are being born with their “control switch” turned off!
That’s how the aging process works. And, why each time you stare into the mirror, you seem to look—and feel—older and older.
In fact, it’s what gives your aging skin those ugly wrinkles, dryness, fine lines, roughness, age spots, redness, and more.
Yet now we know, the secret to changing your body’s cellular “blueprint” so you get vibrant, younger-looking skin is to flip your DNA “control switch” back to on—or slowing down the shortening of your telomeres.
The good news is…we already know how to do it!
Because for the past five years, I’ve been showing people just like you…
How to Get Younger-Looking Skin…
Quicker and Easier Than You Ever Thought Possible!
It’s the world’s first major breakthrough formula in skin rejuvenation based on this new DNA technology.
This unique blend of age-defying ingredients helps my patients to visibly slow the aging of their skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots.
Plus, it’s more powerful than those expensive formulas you find at your corner pharmacy.
In fact, people can’t believe how fast and simple it is to get younger looking skin using my first generation skin formula…all without the help of their dermatologist or hassle of getting a prescription.
Using the new cellular technology, I designed my breakthrough formula to go deep into your cells and fundamentally change your DNA by turning your “control switch” back to on.
How? By carefully hand-selecting only those ingredients backed by science and proven in clinical trials to help slow the shortening of your telomeres.
Just like the compound used in a recent study1 that helped volunteers get younger-looking skin. Of the study participants:
yes100% increased the level of moisture in their skin.
yes100% noticed a reduction in the appearance of sun spots.
yesOver 90% saw a decrease in the appearance of redness and pore size.
yes75% experienced improvement in skin tone.
yes75% felt roughness and the appearance of fine lines faded noticeably.
Results like these are unheard of in clinical trials!
Yet, using this powerful, scientifically-proven compound—and others just like it—to activate your body’s DNA “control switch”, my age-defying skin breakthrough can help you get younger looking skin…no matter how old you are!
But here’s the thing…
I Went Back to My Lab to Give
the New Telomere Technology an Added “Boost”
Based on these study results—and thousands of satisfied users—people were surprised to hear I was working on a way to improve my already successful skin formula that uses the Nobel Prize-winning DNA technology. And quite frankly, I was having second thoughts about “fixing” what wasn’t broken.
That is, until I stumbled across a piece of pretty convincing research on a miracle plant from the Amazon I’d simply forgotten about.
I began digging through the folklore, historical accounts, and stories of healing on this “sacred” herb. All the while in the back of my mind, I kept asking, “Could it help my patients flip their body’s cellular control switch back to on?”
Then I hit the jackpot…pages and pages of clinical trials supporting this secret herb’s ability to heal. And I knew it was just what I was looking for.
South American natives call it Saventaro. In the United States, it’s known as cat’s claw. Active compounds in cat’s claw penetrate deep inside your skin to prevent—even repair—damage to your cell’s delicate DNA. In fact, numerous studies like these2,3, show an extract of this jungle herb rejuvenates damaged skin cells in both animal and human models.
So, I headed back to the lab…and reformulated my original anti-aging skin cream to add in the healing power of cat’s claw.
INTRODUCING…my second-generation skin formula with DNA technology, TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream.
With the very first use, TeloRevive works hard at protecting and repairing your delicate skin cells by flipping their DNA “control switch” to on. That means, it’s easier than ever to finally get rid of—even reverse—those ugly signs of aging.
Look, protecting your telomeres is critical if you want to look and feel years younger. With my new TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream, you can supercharge your body’s ability to control how old your cells “act” with a simple flip of a “switch.”
Now, with the addition of cat’s claw, you’ll get a “boost” in DNA repair that helps:
yesMake loose, sagging skin firm again
yesSmooth out unwanted wrinkles
yesIncrease skin color and tone
yesErase the look of age spots
yesGet dry, rough skin to appear smooth and moist again
But I didn’t stop there.
I added three more DNA protectors to TeloRevive. They too have the ability to turn on your skin’s cellular “control switch” and protect telomeres from shortening.
No Serious Anti-Aging Skin Formula
Should Be Without This “Energy” Nutrient
As you can imagine, cells require an enormous amount of energy for normal every day metabolism. Yet, energy levels in your cells usually drop as you age. Even worse…diseases, environmental toxins, prescription drugs, and more deplete your energy, making it harder to repair vulnerable DNA.
So giving your skin cells an extra boost of energy makes it easier to flip the “switch” and speed up cellular repair. That’s why I gave TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream a healthy dose of my most advanced form of CoQ10.
CoQ10 is a key component of your cell’s ability to produce adequate levels of energy. But what I liked most, it’s been shown in clinical studies to slow down skin aging by protecting your cells’ DNA from free radical damage.4
With CoQ10, skin cells simply last longer…and look better. Without CoQ10, cells suffer an early death.
Interestingly, here’s another telomere protector with the ability to turn on your body’s DNA “control switch” and help you…
Get Younger-Looking Skin While You Sleep
Everyone’s heard of melatonin. It’s best known for helping people fall asleep at night. Yet, melatonin has been clinically-tested on more than 100 different diseases.5
In fact, in one animal study, researchers demonstrated the remarkable anti-aging properties of melatonin, suggesting it may prevent unwanted changes in your skin due to aging.6
Even more striking, a recent article published in the journal BMC Cell Biology showed how melatonin could enhance DNA repair in human cells!7
This makes melatonin the perfect ingredient for TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream. Just put it on before bed and forget about it. It’s designed to work through the night restoring power to your cells’ DNA “control switch.” Now, not only will you sleep better, but you’ll rest easier knowing it’s helping your cells grow younger…while you sleep!
What could be simpler than that?
Certainly not this next DNA protector. In fact, some consider this potent antioxidant to be…
The Most Controversial Nutrient in Your Body
You probably guessed I’m talking about vitamin E. There’s a good reason why it’s so misunderstood.
Recent clinical trials attempted to malign vitamin E as the cause of some diseases. But there’s something the sponsors of these studies neglected to tell you. The vitamin E they used…was synthetic! That’s right. A man-made, chemical by-product of the oil industry—called tocopheryl.
You may have heard me talk about it before.
Invariably, that’s the same vitamin E used in today’s most popular prescription and over-the-counter skin formulas. Sure, these synthetic, “engine oil” ingredients may help cheaper skin products wipe on easier. But they can’t possibly protect your telomeres. Instead, they “cut” power to your “control switch” causing significant harm to your cells’ DNA.
Yet, natural vitamin E is a well-known skin-supporting nutrient. Dozens of studies confirm its ability to protect cells against oxidative stress caused by sunlight, radiation—even normal every day skin aging.
But there are two groups of natural vitamin E—tocopherols and tocotrienols. Both exhibit powerful antioxidant properties that keep cells young and vibrant. Yet, recent studies suggest tocotrienols are significantly more potent—up to 70 times more—than tocopherols.
It’s the reason I added tocotrienols to TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream. When applied to the skin, they go deeper—right down to the cells’ delicate DNA—to form a first line of defense against free radicals. In fact, one recent study published in the journal Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity showed how tocotrienols help maintain the length of your telomeres.
Look and Feel Younger With Your New Skin “Blueprint”
By adding these four DNA protectors to my reformulated TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream, your skin will act years younger, helping you reverse the appearance of aging. Yet, your skin won’t just appear younger, it will BE younger.
Because TeloRevive turns your body’s cellular “control switch” back on and repairs your DNA, creating a new “blueprint” that tells your telomeres how old—or should I say—how young to act.
And, when your body accesses this new set of instructions, it immediately goes to work telling your skin cells to grow stronger and younger, rather than weaker and older.
But remember, I didn’t just make TeloRevive better…I made it easier. Because TeloRevive is a night cream. It’s designed to work while you sleep. Just put it on before bed and forget about it.
It’s that simple.
Yet, even though TeloRevive is packed with powerful skin-saving ingredientsworks faster than any other formula on the market… and is MUCH easier to useit won’t cost you a penny more than my first generation skin cream!
If you don’t want to pay a lot for an effective skin
solution that you can just put on and forget about…
With my second-generation TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream, you now have the power to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots, tighten up loose, sagging skin, and make dry, rough skin smooth and moist again…while you sleep!
No more scary surgical procedures…dangerous chemical prescriptions…complicated, step-by-step processes that take hours to apply…or waiting months to see if it works.
Only powerful, safe ingredients in an easy-to-use formula that gets results fast!
And, all for a fraction of the cost you’d pay for those inferior brand name creams you get at your local department store or from your dermatologist’s office.
Because now, you won’t pay a penny more for my new and improved anti-aging skin formula.
That’s right. TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream is only $99 (plus shipping and handling)! Yet, stay with me and I’ll tell you how to get an even better price—along with FREE shipping—in just a moment.
Remember, TeloRevive is not your ordinary skin cream. Unlike other cosmetics—those that never make it past the top layer of your skin—TeloRevive gets absorbed at the cellular level. Just apply it before you go to bed at night, so it can go to work restoring power to your cellular “control switch”…helping you maintain the length of your telomeres…and repairing your DNA.
That means, you’re no longer just covering up those ugly signs of aging on your skin. You’re actually reducing the appearance of lines, wrinkles, and age spots in your skin. So when you glance in the mirror, your skin looks colorful…firm…smooth…and moist.
While your friends keep aging and looking older, you’ll look like time is standing still.
Yet, We’re Just Getting Started…
When you order TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream today, I’ll send you a copy of my Special Report, “Unlock the Genetic Secret of Aging.” It’s a $19.99 value, but it won’t cost you anything.
In “Unlock the Genetic Secret of Aging,” I’ll break down the complicated science of cellular aging into a simple model for health that even a child can learn. The secrets you’ll discover in this report are sure to supercharge your daily skin care regimen.
And they’re yours FREE just for test-driving my reformulated, second generation TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream.
Here’s a quick look at what you’ll find inside “Unlock the Genetic Secret of Aging:”
yes The three critical vitamins that prevent shortening of your telomeres. You’ll learn exactly why these work so well in maintaining telomere length. As well as which food sources are best for maximizing intake from your diet.
yesThe single, most popular source of telomere-supporting nutrients that people use. However, I’ll show you one big mistake most people still make—and if that’s you—what you can do to correct course. It’s easier than you’d think.
yesThe one nutrient your body needs, yet getting too much negatively affects your telomeres. However, there’s a simple diet “trick” you can use to curb excess intake and ensure you don’t age prematurely.
yesAn amino acid that accumulates in your tissues and triples your telomere loss. You’ll learn where this compound comes from, how to know if your levels are dangerously high, and what you can do naturally to bring it into balance.
Using this valuable information—together with my cutting-edge TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream—you will be well-armed to flip your body’s DNA “control switch” back to on and fight the devastating effects of skin aging. Not only will look better…you’ll feel better too!
And today, I want to help you do just that.
Because now, I’ve made it easier than ever to get TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream at a discounted price. Something many of my patients are already taking advantage of.
Simply enroll in my VIP Auto Ship delivery service and I’ll make sure you get your supply of TeloRevive right when you need it. Without ever needing to pick up the phone or logging onto the website to order!
Plus, you’ll get my best price…reserved only for members of my exclusive VIP Auto Ship program.
And if that weren’t enough, VIP Auto Ship members never pay a cent for shipping. That’s right...free shipping for as long as you’re enrolled—a savings of up to $74.97 a year!
But that’s not all.
You Must be Completely Satisfied…
or You Get Your Money Back!
If you’re like most people who tried our original formula for the first time, you were surprised at how simple it was to finally get rid of those ugly signs of aging. 
But to be fair, our reformulated TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream is brand new. Plus, I know some of you are checking us out for the first time. So, you shouldn’t have to risk a single penny just to give TeloRevive a try.
Of course, I know you’ll get noticeable results with TeloRevive. And, without spending boatloads of money on harmful ingredients or useless fillers…struggling through frustrating and time-consuming skin care regimens…or waiting months to see if it works.
Like you do with most other skin formulas.
Still, I want to take the worry out of discovering how to finally get smooth, colorful, younger-looking skin…quicker and easier than you ever thought possible. And now, I make it easy for you with my iron-clad Money-Back Guarantee.
In fact, I’m so confident TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream is exactly what you’ve been looking for, that I stand behind it 100%. If at any time, or for any reason, you are not completely satisfied, I insist you send it back for a full and prompt refund…no questions asked!
Plus, you can keep your free bonus report as a special thank you just for trying TeloRevive!
What are you waiting for? You’re not getting any younger... yet!
To your beautiful skin,
Al Sears, MD
Al Sears, MD
P.S. Remember, you can try TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream without risk or regret. If it doesn’t help you reduce the appearance of wrinkles and age spots or give you firmer, younger-looking skin while you sleep, I’ll promptly return every cent you paid…no questions asked! That’s my no-hassle guarantee.
Of course, if TeloRevive does help you, I’d love to hear your success story. And, especially what your friends had to say about your new “look”. Either way, you can’t lose!
P.P.S. Don’t forget…you save a full $74.97 by signing up for my fast, convenient VIP Auto Ship program. I make it easy to get TeloRevive Rejuvenating Night Cream without delay…and without the hassles of re-ordering every month. Plus, you get FREE shipping!
Click the link below for other healthy telomeres supplements: 
Here's what industry experts are saying about Dr. Sears:
"Dr. Sears blows away the conventional medical wisdom..."
-Ronald Klatz, MD, DO Founder and President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine
"Dr. Sears has distinguished himself as a leader in the area of Anti-Aging Medicine and recently in cell and telomere biology..."
-Frederic J. Vagnini, MD, FACS; Medical Director of the Heart. Diabetes and Weight Loss Centers of NY
"Dr. Sears masterfully explains how we can flip the switches that allow access to the store of human vitality that resides within each one of us. We understood how to do this when we were young and now Dr. Sears gives us the evidence-based means to tap into our potency, strength, and stamina with intention."
-Paul L. Hester, MD, MBA
"Dr. Al Sears really gets it. What a refreshing breath of fresh air..."
-Jonny Bowden, author, Living the Low Carb Life: From Atkins to the Zone Choosing the Diet That's Right for You


1. Topical Use of Teprenone. Study for patent WO 2006/120646, Sederma, Inc. 2009
2. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10687868
3. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16521105
4. onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/biof.5520250121/abstract
5. greenmedinfo.com/substance/melatonin
6. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16150102
7. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3543845/
8. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2835887/

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Old cells are new again

(Source:  Dr. Al Sears)

While the U.S. sits this one out, the rest of the world is not waiting.

Half of all the booths I’ll see at the world conference on anti-aging in Malaysia in a few weeks will all be about one thing:

Stem cells.

In many ways, stem cells are the future. We have seen the beginning of the end of most diseases… because stem cells can cure them. No matter what your affected organ or system is, you can create new cells from your own body. Because stem cells still have the potential to differentiate into every cell in your body.

They are mastering the way to make that happen in laboratories all around the world right now.

All over Asia, stem cells are all the rage. Every anti-aging doctor in Asia is injecting stem cells.

You can’t do it in the U.S. It’s illegal. Because the powers that be still associate stem cells with “fetal” stem cells and fetal research. So there’s a ban on it.

But it is happening here in a controlled way, because you can use your own stem cells on your own body.

This is one of the things Dr. Joseph Purita, a speaker at my recent “State of the Art Anti-Aging” seminar in Pam Beach, does with his sports and orthopedic patients.

It’s called orthopedic stem cell therapy and he’s way ahead of the curve on this. Other doctors say they use “stem cells,” but don’t combine them with the methods Dr. Purita is using.

We’re using stem cells here at my clinic, too.

One of the things we have learned is that your face ages because of exposure to elements and it leads your cells to die off. The elements, detergents, overexposure to the sun… they all shorten skin telomeres and you lose the capacity to generate new cells.

But here come stem cells.

We have proven that we can grow new epithelial cells from skin cells. They’re grown from “induced” stem cells that are created naturally from skin cells. It’s the next step to grow you not just a new face, but new skin.

We’re applying this at my clinic by putting together a natural skin stem cell formula that’s unique. No one has anything like it. It’s not available anywhere else, and there are no imitation products anywhere.

What we’ve done is taken stem cells derived from the cultured extract of a special domestic apple, and combined them with other stem cells derived from a mountain daisy.

We put them together in a serum. And when you put it on, it starts to absorb right away… and leaves a silky smoothness. almost like a talcum feeling.

We have been sampling the formula at my clinic. The women love it, because they also notice a tightening effect, too.

And it helps naturally re-grow aged skin.

This new stem cell serum is not yet available… but let me tell you about something you can start doing right now to increase the skin-regenerating effect of the serum once it’s available…

Increase your hyaluronic acid (HA).

Don’t let the name fool you… HA is completely natural and is your body’s own natural moisturizer. It can absorb up to 1000 times its weight in water.

But, when combined with stem cells, they work together to fill in sagging and depleted skin quickly and easily.

I discovered this while researching stem cells… I happened to come across the translation of a study done at Hospital Universitátio Clementino Fraga Filho of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

They were doing some studies using stem cells combined with hyaluronic acid to help build new skin in skin graft patients.

What they found was that stem cells, when combined with hyaluronic acid, were able to fill in deep skin folds – with progressive improvement of skin tone and decreasing lines – more quickly, efficiently, and easily than either of them alone.1

One reason HA is so effective: It draws moisture from inside and outside your body. HA also helps your body retain moisture and promotes skin healing. 50% of your HA is in your skin matrix. It’s like a mini-repair kit for aging skin.

Red meat and root vegetables – especially the Japanese root vegetable konyaku and the potato root imoji – are good natural sources of HA. They also have the nutrients your body uses to make HA, which are protein, omega-3s, and vitamins A and C.

The supplement glucosamine also increases your body’s natural production of HA.2 You can take up to 500 mg of glucosamine twice a day with food.

HA is also available as a supplement, but it’s not particularly well absorbed when you take it orally. It’s better to build up your natural HA, or get it from a dermal cream or serum.

1. Claudio-da-Silva C, Baptista L, Carias R Menezes Neto Hda C, Borojevic R. “Stem cells culture from adipose tissue for treatment of facial rhytids.” Rev Col Bras Cir. 2009 Aug;36(4):288-91.

2. Uitterlinden E, et. al. “Glucosamine increases hyaluronic acid production in human osteoarthritic synovium explants.” Musculoskeletal Disorders 2008, 9:120.