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Showing posts with label telomerase herbs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label telomerase herbs. Show all posts

Telomerase Herbs

A new study shows that certain nutrients and natural compounds that can act as potent telomerase activators have a positive effect on the development of old age - related diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's. UCLA researchers found that a Chinese herbal therapy called TSY-1 increases telomerase activity in normal blood cells and reduces it in cancer cells. The researchers found that it works in the same way as a normal diet, but without the harmful side effects of high cholesterol and high blood pressure, as well as high blood and blood vessel cholesterol and high blood sugar levels. A UCLA researcher has found an alternative to a standard diet for cancer patients with Chinese herbal therapy called TSY-1, which increases telomere activity and reduces it on cancer cells. A UCLA professor of medicine at the UCLA School of Medicine, was found by the researchers to increase telomerase activity within normal blood cells and decrease their activity on tumor cells in a normal diet. Sources: 1, 13, 15
Among the substances tested, TA-65, extracted from astragalus, a plant used in Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, is the strongest telomerase activator reported to date. It is a natural product of the same class of telomere activators that have been on the market since 2008 and which extend telomeres in humans. The company is focusing on the substance, which is thought to switch on and off the enzyme telomerase (hTERT), which is used to maintain and extend telomeres. TSY-1 produces TA / 65 at a very low level at the Stragalos facility, according to the study. Sources: 2, 12, 13
Previous studies have shown that injecting the telomerase gene into T cells can prevent telomere shortening and allow them to maintain their HIV-fighting function for much longer. It has also been shown to increase telomere length in aging cells and restore the phenotype normally associated with young cells. It suggests that if science finds a way to increase telomerase production, telomeres will remain in place for a long time, extend lifespan, and possibly reduce the risk of disease. Sources: 0, 9, 10
So what supplements should you take to lengthen your telomeres and stay younger? Take a look at the real science - natural telomerase length Complement recipes to get the benefits of all ingredients in a natural formula that aims to help you improve your quality of life. Sources: 17, 21
Although no long-term test data are currently available, herbs and nutraceuticals containing telomere reserve support agents and antioxidants have been proposed as potent telomerase activators. The herb Cynomorium was found to increase telomere length and is made from a herb used in traditional Chinese medicine as Astragalus membranaceus, which is said to increase telomerase activity and thus produce more telomeres that protect chromosomes. TA-65 contains the herb, which is often used in traditional Chinese medicine as an immunity booster and has a strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect in the body. It contains resveratrol, which activates telomase, a key component of the antioxidant and aging properties of many vitamins and minerals. Sources: 3, 7, 12, 19
A recent study found that the administration of nutraceuticals and supplements may be associated with sustained telomere length in healthy adults. At this stage, we do not seem to know whether telomerase can be used in such a way that it only works to lengthen telomeres and does not actually stimulate cancer. There are small studies suggesting that medication, supplements and lifestyle changes can lengthen telomeres, but most are in the middle. They are best in middle age, because no rigorous tests have ever shown that they can walk for long periods of time in humans, "Armanios explains. We do not know whether drugs, supplements or lifestyle changes can increase or prolong telemedicine in the short term. Sources: 5, 9, 11, 12
Magnoflor has been identified as an alkaloid in five herbal extracts that induces growth suppression and telomerase suppression in HLF cells. Ashwagandha root extract increases telomere activity in human embryonic stem cells and human fibroblasts in the presence of a high dose of magnoflamine. Sources: 6, 20
On the basis of the above, it could be a telomerase activator, and if certain astragalus molecules are found to contribute to telomere growth, this herb could add anti-age to its impressive resume. Sources: 8, 12
Because aging promotes degenerative pathologies, screening for new drugs is an important step in developing new ways to avoid the critically short telomere lengths that lead to aging and age-related diseases. In previous studies, the only way to increase telomerase activity in laboratory animals was to add an additional gene to it. Since telomeres naturally shorten with age, research has suggested that there may be a way to slow down the telomere shortening process. Sources: 14, 18, 20
Here we look at the anti-aging effects of various nutraceuticals, which can be enhanced individually with numerous growth factors and telomerase activators, and their potential to increase telomere activity. Highly extracted natural herbs have been standardized for their active components that support adult stem cells teliterically. Here we report on the use of a variety of herbs to increase telomerase activity in mice and also in humans in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Exercise improves blood circulation to the brain, increases the nitric oxide levels that dialetate the vessels, and increases telomerase activity, a key component of healthy aging. 

Cited Sources

Is Astragalus One Of The Best Telomerase Herbs?

By Al Sears MD

Dear Health Conscious Reader,
If you go to a dermatologist or plastic surgeon because you want to look more youthful, you may end up spending hundreds — or even thousands — of dollars on treatments that will do more for your doctor's wallet than your skin!
That's because your doctor probably doesn't know the world's most powerful anti-aging secret: Your telomeres are the most important factor in determining how well your skin ages.
I saw this for myself not too long ago, when I was in Bogotá, Colombia, to speak at a Regenerative Medicine symposium. The audience was mostly dermatologists and plastic surgeons.  
I told them about telomeres, and how they're the key to controlling your aging clock.
Out of about 100 doctors in the room, only 2 or 3 had ever even heard of telomeres!
Telomeres are those ticking "countdown clocks" attached to the end of each strand of DNA. They're essential for youthful cell function.
Every time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter. And when your countdown clock hits zero, your telomeres disappear. At that point, cell division stops and the cell dies.
In other words, the shorter your telomeres, the older your cells are. That's the aging process in action.
Skin cells divide faster than any other cells in the body. They have to because they're exposed to daily wear and tear, thanks to constant exposure to a hostile environment.
Excess UV radiation, pollutants, dry air, cold, heat and wind all take a toll on your skin. And the way your skin revives itself is by constantly making new skin cells.
But after age 30, the renewal rate of your skin cells slows down up to 50%.1 Soon, older non-dividing cells outnumber younger, newer cells. When you stop producing youthful cells, your skin gets thin and starts to sag.
It gets harder for your skin to produce and retain moisture. Dryness sets in and fine lines and wrinkles appear. Especially around the eyes, forehead and lips.
But here's the great news… The secret to helping your skin look young and vibrant is to slow down the rate at which your telomeres shorten. By keeping your telomeres long, your DNA tells your body to keep producing youthful cells.
And that means younger-looking skin.
At the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine, I teach my patients a variety of ways to lengthen their telomeres. Here are two of the best telomere-boosting nutrients I've found:
1. Astragalus. This humble root is one of the most revered herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Astragalus extract contains two substances — cycloastragenolsand astragalosides — that activate telomerase to stop your telomeres from shortening.2 Telomerase is the enzyme that keeps telomeres long.
Research shows that when used topically, the extract stops cell aging and speeds up the healing of damaged tissue.3 I was so impressed with the science, I added the herb to my rejuvenating night cream.
I recommend two to three tablespoons of astragalus root powder daily (about 30-45 grams). You can usually find it already dried and ground at many health food stores or online. You can add the powdered form to various foods and prepared dishes. It has a pleasant, mildly sweet taste.
You also can take astragalus extract as a supplement. I suggest 500 mg three times a day.
2. Magnesium. Your body needs this mineral to activate telomerase. If you don't get enough magnesium, your telomeres shorten and cells age faster.And with 80% of the population deficient in this important mineral, chances are you're one of them.5
Good sources of magnesium are leafy greens like kale, spinach and Swiss chard. Other good choices include lentils, cashews, almonds, sesame seeds and spirulina.
But modern farming methods have depleted the soil of magnesium, so it's tough to get enough of it from your diet. And some medications, like acid blockers, antacids and antibiotics, can sap the magnesium right out of you.
You'll need to supplement. I recommend 600 to 1,000 mg per day, taken with vitamin B6 to increase absorption.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
Al Sears, MD, CNS

1. Saxon SV, Etten MJ, Perkins EA. Physical change and aging: a guide for the helping professions. New York, NY: Springer Publishing; 2010:26.
2. Fauce SR, Jamieson BD, Chin AC, et al. Telomerase-based pharmacologic enhancement of antiviral function of human CD8+ T lymphocytes. J Immunol. 2008 Nov 15;181(10):7400-6.
3. Effects of topical application of Astragalus membranaceus on allergic dermatitis. Kim JH, Kim MH, Yang G, Huh Y, Kim SH, Yang WM. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 2013 Feb;35(1):151-6. doi: 10.3109/08923973.2012.733708. Epub 2012 Oct 19.
4. Rowe WJ. Correcting magnesium deficiencies may prolong life. Clin Interv Aging. 2012;7:51-4.
5. Ford ES, Mokdad AH. Dietary magnesium intake in a national sample of US adults. J Nutr. 2003;121:2879-82.

Telomerase Herbs - Cat's Claw For Your Telomeres!

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Dear Health Conscious Reader:

The paved road turned to dirt, and eventually the dirt road ended. Then my guide Octavio and I went by boat, deeper into the jungle.
Finally we got to our destination at Puerto Ocopa, the last jungle outpost. Home to the Ashaninka.
The Ashaninka natives welcomed their old friend Octavio, with open arms.
Cat’s claw grows wild in the Peruvian Amazon. So it didn’t take long for me to find a huge vine crawling its way up this enormous tree and its hanging branches.
They treated me like a member of the family, too, and I will always remember how warm and genuine the Ashaninka were to me.
With a history going back thousands of years, the Ashaninka have a profound knowledge of the healing herbs of the Amazon. And this was my last chance to try and preserve that knowledge because their natural habitat was all but gone.
I was especially looking for a healing plant I used in my practice. I had never seen it in its native environment.
And I’m writing to you about it today because I’ve discovered it’s been hiding a huge anti-aging secret. But more on that in a minute...
I was in Peru looking for this plant because I wanted to record and preserve as much of the Ashaninkas’ local herbal healing knowledge and plant lore as I could.
Octavio told me that just 30 years ago, the Ashaninka were still a thriving people in this same area, with their traditions, diet and culture still intact.
But Shining Path terrorists devastated their population. And the Peruvian government leased their lands away.
This might be my last chance to gather as much knowledge as I could. So, off Octavio and I went into the jungle to explore…
As we talked, I couldn’t help but be impressed. Any question I asked about the indigenous medicinal plants and customs he answered like a walking encyclopedia. And I could just tell – he was a “straight shooter.” I could trust him and I was glad to have him on our quest.
And it didn’t take long for us to find what I was looking for. It was una de gato, or cat’s claw. This vine grows wild in the highland rainforest. It gets its name from large thorns that allow it to scale around trees – sometimes reaching a height of 100 feet or more.
Here’s a good look at the “claws” that let this health-enhancing plant make its way up into the Amazon jungle’s canopy.
It has a powerful effect on the immune system and the Ashaninkas have used it for thousands of years.
They use it to treat arthritis, asthma, cancer, gastric ulcers, and rheumatism. They have also used cat’s claw to control inflammation, help to heal wounds, and alleviate pain.
If you had visited my wellness clinic years ago, you would have seen many jars of herb and plant mixtures and extracts in jars lining the shelves. Many of the plants I had discovered, researched and used in my practice just weren’t available like some are now. So I would compound them for my patients myself. That included cat’s claw.
Today, modern science discovered that cat’s claw is effective in treating diabetes, prostate problems and fatigue – in addition to its powerful anti-inflammatory effects.
But here’s something even I didn’t know when I was using cat’s claw to help people relieve their pain and stop inflammation:
Cat’s claw protects telomeres, and as one of the telomerase herbs, also lengthens them, too!
In one recent study I came across in my research, cells treated with cat’s claw extract lengthened telomeres and extended the lifespan of cells by 201%! 1
It’s possible that this telomere-protective power of cat’s claw is why in clinical trials researchers find cat’s claw extract repairs damaged DNA.2
In fact, one group of researchers found that cat’s claw extract can induce DNA repair in the skin and fight skin inflammation. It’s the only natural substance known to do both at the same time.3
Cat’s claw extract’s DNA-protective properties might also be why other studies show cat’s claw can fight cancer 4 and reduce tumors.5
Another possible anti-cancer action of cat’s claw is that it activates caspases. Recent research shows these play a critical role in killing off cancer cells.6
The Uncaria tomentosa and Uncaria sinensis forms of cat’s claw seem to have the most benefit for your telomeres and DNA. But those are just the ones that have been studied the most.
You can use cat’s claw the same way the indigenous people of Peru do. Take the dried bark pieces, which are like tea leaves, and boil them in water in a ceramic tea pot. You drink one strong cup of cat’s claw tea each day to get the telomere-lengthening benefit.
You can also use the ground, dried powder of the bark. But a better way to get cat’s claw might be through a concentrated extract in a capsule.
Most of the ones you’ll find have around 500mg in each capsule, which is a good amount to start with. Look for a supplement that’s made from the inner bark of the plant.

Click this link to take a look at Dr. Sears' newest telomere support formula.

To Your Good Health,
Dr. Sears' Signature image
Al Sears, MD
1. Na M, Kim Y, et. al. "Cytoprotective effect on oxidative stress and inhibitory effect on cellular aging of Uncaria sinensis H." J Ethnopharmacol. 2004;95(2-3):127-32.
2. Sheng Y, Bryngelsson C, Pero R. "Enhanced DNA repair, immune function and reduced toxicity of C-MED-100, a novel aqueous extract from Uncaria tomentosa." J Ethnopharmacol. 2000;69(2):115-26.
3. Mammone T, Akesson C, Gan D, Giampapa V, Pero R. "A water soluble extract from Uncaria tomentosa is a potent enhancer of DNA repair in primary organ cultures of human skin." Phytother Res. 2006;20(3):178-83.
4. Rinner B, Li Z, Haas H, Siegl V, Sturm S, Stuppner H, Pfragner R. "Antiproliferative and pro-apoptotic effects of Uncaria tomentosa in human medullary thyroid carcinoma cells." Anticancer Res. 2009;29(11):4519-28.
5. Dreifuss A, et. al. "Antitumoral and antioxidant effects of a hydroalcoholic extract of cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa) in an in vivo carcinosarcoma model." J Ethnopharmacol. 2010;130(1):127-33.
6. Salve P, et. al. "Activation of caspases by cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa): future treatment for cancer." Journal of Pharmacy Research 2009;Vol. 2 No. 11 pp. 1707-1711