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Old cells are new again

(Source:  Dr. Al Sears)

While the U.S. sits this one out, the rest of the world is not waiting.

Half of all the booths I’ll see at the world conference on anti-aging in Malaysia in a few weeks will all be about one thing:

Stem cells.

In many ways, stem cells are the future. We have seen the beginning of the end of most diseases… because stem cells can cure them. No matter what your affected organ or system is, you can create new cells from your own body. Because stem cells still have the potential to differentiate into every cell in your body.

They are mastering the way to make that happen in laboratories all around the world right now.

All over Asia, stem cells are all the rage. Every anti-aging doctor in Asia is injecting stem cells.

You can’t do it in the U.S. It’s illegal. Because the powers that be still associate stem cells with “fetal” stem cells and fetal research. So there’s a ban on it.

But it is happening here in a controlled way, because you can use your own stem cells on your own body.

This is one of the things Dr. Joseph Purita, a speaker at my recent “State of the Art Anti-Aging” seminar in Pam Beach, does with his sports and orthopedic patients.

It’s called orthopedic stem cell therapy and he’s way ahead of the curve on this. Other doctors say they use “stem cells,” but don’t combine them with the methods Dr. Purita is using.

We’re using stem cells here at my clinic, too.

One of the things we have learned is that your face ages because of exposure to elements and it leads your cells to die off. The elements, detergents, overexposure to the sun… they all shorten skin telomeres and you lose the capacity to generate new cells.

But here come stem cells.

We have proven that we can grow new epithelial cells from skin cells. They’re grown from “induced” stem cells that are created naturally from skin cells. It’s the next step to grow you not just a new face, but new skin.

We’re applying this at my clinic by putting together a natural skin stem cell formula that’s unique. No one has anything like it. It’s not available anywhere else, and there are no imitation products anywhere.

What we’ve done is taken stem cells derived from the cultured extract of a special domestic apple, and combined them with other stem cells derived from a mountain daisy.

We put them together in a serum. And when you put it on, it starts to absorb right away… and leaves a silky smoothness. almost like a talcum feeling.

We have been sampling the formula at my clinic. The women love it, because they also notice a tightening effect, too.

And it helps naturally re-grow aged skin.

This new stem cell serum is not yet available… but let me tell you about something you can start doing right now to increase the skin-regenerating effect of the serum once it’s available…

Increase your hyaluronic acid (HA).

Don’t let the name fool you… HA is completely natural and is your body’s own natural moisturizer. It can absorb up to 1000 times its weight in water.

But, when combined with stem cells, they work together to fill in sagging and depleted skin quickly and easily.

I discovered this while researching stem cells… I happened to come across the translation of a study done at Hospital Universitátio Clementino Fraga Filho of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

They were doing some studies using stem cells combined with hyaluronic acid to help build new skin in skin graft patients.

What they found was that stem cells, when combined with hyaluronic acid, were able to fill in deep skin folds – with progressive improvement of skin tone and decreasing lines – more quickly, efficiently, and easily than either of them alone.1

One reason HA is so effective: It draws moisture from inside and outside your body. HA also helps your body retain moisture and promotes skin healing. 50% of your HA is in your skin matrix. It’s like a mini-repair kit for aging skin.

Red meat and root vegetables – especially the Japanese root vegetable konyaku and the potato root imoji – are good natural sources of HA. They also have the nutrients your body uses to make HA, which are protein, omega-3s, and vitamins A and C.

The supplement glucosamine also increases your body’s natural production of HA.2 You can take up to 500 mg of glucosamine twice a day with food.

HA is also available as a supplement, but it’s not particularly well absorbed when you take it orally. It’s better to build up your natural HA, or get it from a dermal cream or serum.

1. Claudio-da-Silva C, Baptista L, Carias R Menezes Neto Hda C, Borojevic R. “Stem cells culture from adipose tissue for treatment of facial rhytids.” Rev Col Bras Cir. 2009 Aug;36(4):288-91.

2. Uitterlinden E, et. al. “Glucosamine increases hyaluronic acid production in human osteoarthritic synovium explants.” Musculoskeletal Disorders 2008, 9:120.

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