Telomere - Wikipedia

Google: lengthen telomeres naturally Telomere - Wikipedia Telomeres are repetitive nucleotide sequences located at the termini of l...

Showing posts with label best telomere supplement. Show all posts
Showing posts with label best telomere supplement. Show all posts

Anti-Aging Oxygen Therapy Protocol Reviewed

Molecular oxygen as a telomere supplement has the scientific community looking at this therapy to reverse the aging process in humans.  

(Source: Science News) (Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment: Clinical Trial Reverses Two Biological Processes Associated With Aging In Human Cells

November 20, 2020
American Friends of Tel Aviv University
A new study indicates that hyperbaric oxygen treatments (HBOT) in healthy aging adults can stop the aging of blood cells and reverse the aging process. In the biological sense, the adults' blood cells actually grow younger as the treatments progress.

(Source: Dr. Sircus

The researchers found that a unique protocol of treatments with high-pressure oxygen in a pressure chamber can reverse two major processes associated with aging and its illnesses: the shortening of telomeres (protective regions located at both ends of every chromosome) and the accumulation of old and malfunctioning cells in the body. Focusing on immune cells containing DNA obtained from the participants' blood, the study discovered a lengthening of up to 38% of the telomeres, as well as a decrease of up to 37% in the presence of senescent cells. 

There is nothing more basic to life than Oxygen. Oxygen is invincible in its ability to give or take away life and that goes as much for cancer cells as it does for healthy human cells. 

Oxygen can heal and it can kill so it is perfect for infections of all types. There is a way to increase the amount of Oxygen in the human body, practicing Oxygen Therapy. 

Oxygen Therapy introduces a new simple way of injecting massive amounts of oxygen into the cells. In fifteen minutes one can open the cells allowing them to detoxify as they gulp down higher levels of oxygen. What I have discovered will help many people pull out of chronic situations where they have not been able to do so before. 

Oxygen therapy is as wonderful as it is because more oxygen translates into more cellular energy, more healing energy and more energy to help us feel relaxed and perform better in life. Importantly enough when ample oxygen rushes into oxygen deficient cells oxygen is no longer the limiting reagent for detoxification of cellular poisons that have been accumulating. 

Increasing our oxygenation to tissues is one of the greatest influences on our bodily pH and the use of exercise with a MaxxO2 system will be recommended. One cannot stay physically present on earth forever but with enough oxygen eternal youth can be ours until our time is up!

Is Curcumin The Best Telomere Lengthening Supplement?

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(Source: Doctor's House Call - Al Sears, MD)

Did Kraft Foods Defy the FDA
With Its New Mac & Cheese?
And what could this mean for your health?

Health Conscious Reader,

Last December, Kraft Foods secretly replaced dangerous artificial flavors and dyes in its Mac & Cheese with natural substances, including the spice turmeric.

This was done to achieve its famous cheesy color and to appease health-conscious consumers, yet in doing so, Kraft may have ignited the ire of the FDA.

I’m not implying Kraft intended to violate FDA regulations, but by adding turmeric, they gave us a small health benefit — something the FDA continues to suppress.

In fact, the FDA refuses to approve turmeric for any medical use and is doing everything in its power to quell any health claims for this spice.

The truth is, turmeric has been shown to deliver over 700 health benefits, backed by more than 8,000 research papers and clinical studies at the U.S. National Library of Medicine documenting its healing power.

For years, I’ve been shouting the praises of the spice turmeric from the rooftops… long before it became “famous.”

I’ve seen traditional healers in India, Bali, Jamaica and Africa use turmeric and its healing compound curcumin to treat dozens of health problems. And I’ve been amazed at how strong, mentally and physically, the village elders who regularly eat turmeric are.

Even big companies like Kraft Foods are jumping on the turmeric bandwagon to appease buyers with its new Mac and Cheese, now made with “no artificial colors, preservatives or dyes.”

By adding turmeric, Kraft Foods gave us a small health benefit, but you’d never hear that from the FDA. In fact, the FDA has stifled any notion that turmeric has any medicinal value.

But I’ve seen how turmeric, and its active ingredient curcumin, have done wonders for my patients, readers and me.

Yet there’s a big problem

There’s only a scant amount of curcumin found in Kraft’s Mac and Cheese so you don’t get its real health benefits.

If that’s not bad enough, most people taking typical curcumin supplementsget LESS than 5% of its true rejuvenating power because it’s very difficult to absorb.

This makes typical curcumin supplements virtually worthless.

But I’m excited to tell you about a NEW curcumin, one that’s 2,000% more powerful, thanks to what’s called “thermogenic” technology. This is important because…

Thousands of published, peer-reviewed studies show the immense healing power of curcumin.

Keep reading to learn how curcumin has been proven to…
  • Reduce joint pain by 60%—Journal of Phytotherapy Research
  • Halt the progression of blood sugar problems with 100% success—Journal of the American Diabetes Association
  • Reverse severe memory disorders in just six months—Major California university
  • Release anti-inflammatory power throughout the body — Medical News Today
  • Help keep arteries clear —WebMD
Now imagine taking a new and more potent curcumin that “amps” up its rejuvenating, health-restoring power.

Even better, this NEW curcumin is now available to you in my #1 recommended curcumin formula, Curcumin Triple Burn.

Keep reading to see how the NEW curcumin in Curcumin Triple Burn can help you create your own health miracle.

This golden spice extract treats over 700 health conditions. How?

Curcumin eliminates chronic inflammation:
The ROOT cause of most every ailment

 “Curcumin reduces inflammation through its effects on multiple inflammation targets” — Curcumin For Health

Inflammation. TIME calls it the “Silent Killer.” Newsweek warns that it’s the “common thread of all disease.”

Chronic inflammation occurs when your body sends an inflammatory response to a perceived threat when it’s not needed. So your white blood cells swarm, but since they have nothing to attack, they attack your organs, tissues and cells.

Inflammation is controlled in your body at its “command center,” a molecule called nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB).

NF-kB is the “switch” that activates more than 400 of your body’s pro-inflammatory genes, like COX-2, iNOS and LOX — and left unchecked, the results can be devastating to your heart, brain, eyes, stomach, joints and entire body.

According to one leading researcher, “Nearly 98% of all diseases are controlled by NF-kappa B.” 2

But here’s exciting news.

Curcumin SHUTS down the
“inflammation command center”

Conventional solutions target individual inflammatory enzymes, but miss the big picture.

Curcumin, on the other hand, goes far beyond that and deactivates the “command center” of chronic inflammation, NF-kappa B. In doing so, it switches OFF all of the inflammatory genes that cause health conditions.

In a study conducted at Ohio State University, researchers activated the NF-kappa B molecule in two groups of animals. Only one group got curcumin.

In the group that did not get curcumin, imaging showed inflammation lit up throughout the animals’ bodies.

But in the curcumin group, imaging showed ZERO evidence of inflammation. In fact, researchers found no signs that the NF-kB molecule was even activated. 3

They concluded, “Curcumin releases anti-inflammatory power throughout the body.”

What can the inflammation-stopping power of curcumin in Curcumin Triple Burn do for you? Supercharge your heart, brain, joints and body… and transform your health!

“Curcumin has been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory activities and thus has a potential against various diseases.”
 Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology.

“Many diseases that plague us… have been linked to chronic inflammation. Health benefits of food such as berries, broccoli and salmon are well known.

But your kitchen spice rack may also hold some secret weapons against inflammation.”
— Harvard Medical School

Curcumin helps keep your arteries open 

 Curcumin reduces the risk of a sudden cardiac event by 56% —American Journal of Cardiology

Curcumin is one of my top recommendations for protecting and boosting your heart.

Why? Because it helps keep your arteries healthy and clear.

Many factors damage your arteries, such as stress hormones, high blood pressure, surgery and toxins.

Your body’s inflammatory response to this damage attracts healing factors like white blood cells, collagen and growth factors. The problem is, it also attracts harmful substances, such as LDL cholesterol.

The inflammatory attack on your heart

LDL cholesterol is first triggered by too much inflammation.

Then, an overload of free radicals oxidize LDL cholesterol, which in turn triggers a chain of more free radical damage.

This attracts more cholesterol and the cycle goes on, eventually adding layer upon layer of harmful plaque to your arteries.

Great news! Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that prevents free radicals from oxidizing your LDL cholesterol. Even better, it lowers oxidized LDL cholesterol and increases HDL “good” cholesterol.

In one study published in the Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, volunteers took 500 mg of curcumin a day for seven days.

The results? Superb! Oxidized LDL cholesterol decreased by 33% and HDL “good” cholesterol rose 29%. Researchers who conducted the study said curcumin “resulted in a significant lowering of total cholesterol.” 4

No wonder the American Journal of Cardiology reports curcumin can cut your risk of a sudden cardiac event by 56%! 5

Now, with Curcumin Triple Burn you can power up and protect your heart for years to come. Yet there’s even more this NEW curcumin can do for you…

“For pain management, curcumin
has been a miracle”

— Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, director,
Fibromyalgia and Fatigue Centers

 Reduces joint pain by 60% —Journal of Phytotherapy Research

When Melvin Wisoky was 68, pain in his forearm, elbow and wrist hurt so badly, he stopped functioning.

Conventional solutions didn’t work for this CPA from Long Island, New York, plus he hated the awful side effects.

Then he heard about curcumin from a Baylor University physician, Dr. Ajay Goel — and what happened next is remarkable.

Melvin gratefully reports, “I tried curcumin. It took two or three months, and I realized the pain is not bothering me anymore. I’m 70 now, and I don’t have any signs of pain anywhere else.”

Curcumin kills pain and only pain

Since curcumin shuts down the master inflammatory molecule, NF-kB, it’s a powerfully effective natural anti-inflammatory to relieve your pain.

In one double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 45 patients with serious pain problems took curcumin… a conventional pain treatment… or a combination of both daily for eight weeks.

The results? Those taking curcumin alone lessened joint pain by 60% and joint swelling by 73%, according to the American College of Rheumatology criteria.

Those conducting the study report, “Our study provides the first evidence of the safety and superiority of curcumin treatment in patients with active (pain problems).” 7

And in another study, patients in serious pain took a conventional over-the-counter pain reliever or curcumin — and the differences were striking.

After six weeks, those taking curcumin did better on the 100 meter walk... reported less pain walking on stairs… and were “more satisfied” with their pain relief. 8

More important, curcumin relieves your pain without harmful side effects of conventional painkillers. Curcumin kills pain and only pain!

Now, with Curcumin Triple Burn, you can ease, even eliminate, many kinds of pain safely and naturally. But that’s not all…

The NEW curcumin that
supercharges its proven effects
and gives you even better results for healthy 
blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides and more

 “Increases the bioavailability of curcumin 2,000%” —Planta Medica

Shockingly, most typical curcumin supplements are worthless.

The Journal of Natural Science, Biology and Medicine reveals that as much as 85% of an oral dose of curcumin in supplement form passes through your intestines UNUSED!

In fact, most people taking typical curcumin supplements get LESS than 5% of its true rejuvenating power because it’s hard for your body to absorb.

Yet in my travels, I’ve learned traditional curcumin is used in combination with other herbs to provide superior health benefits. That’s why Curcumin Triple Burn includes...

A power-packed secret that unleashes
curcumin’s full healing power

This NEW curcumin includes a special compound called Bioperine ® Black Pepper Extract. Piperine has a long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine as a restorative and treatment for many health problems.

But I’ve focused in on its ability to increase the absorption of curcumin.

How does Bioperine work?

Bioperine enhances your body’s natural thermogenic activity — that’s why it’s called a “thermonutrient.”
Over 8,000 research papers and studies found at the U.S. National Library of Medicine document the power of curcumin. Now, new technology unleashes its full healing power. 

Bioperine activates a metabolic “paddle wheel” of sorts that’s a more efficient mode of nutrient transportation into your blood. So you get MORE curcumin in each serving of Curcumin Triple Burn.

2,000% more
curcumin power

In a clinical study done at St. John’s Medical College in India, people who took 2 grams of curcumin alone showed serum levels that were either “undetectable or very low.”

But adding piperine produced “much higher concentrations” of curcumin. In fact, it was shown to enhance the bioavailability of curcumin by 2,000%! 9

Better results for blood sugar,
cholesterol, triglycerides and more

Curcumin + Bioperine was compared to curcumin alone in animal studies, and the results were eye-opening.

In one study, animals got a high fat diet, then either curcumin + Bioperine or curcumin alone for four weeks.

At the end of the study, those who got curcumin + Bioperine kept their cholesterol at normal levels and even improved HDL “good” cholesterol. 10

And in another study, animals got curcumin + Bioperine… curcumin alone… or a standard blood sugar solution.

Those taking curcumin + bioperine had…
  • Better blood sugar results
  • Better LDL cholesterol and triglyceride support
  • Better weight control 11

Buyer Beware: Rip-offs of some
curcumin supplements!

>> Nutrition and Cancer warns that only 3% of curcumin is found in most turmeric powders.

>> ConsumerLab.com found that 22% of curcumin/turmeric supplements reviewed contained far fewer curcuminoids than listed on labels. One contained only HALF of claimed curcuminoids per capsule, another just 33%.

“Curcumin significantly improves memory”
in just one hour

— Journal of Psychopharmacology

 “Indian village may hold the key to beating (memory disorders)” — BBC News

For years, University of Pittsburgh scientists have studied the lives and health of people 55 and older in a village in Northern India called Ballabhgarh.

What they discovered really caught my attention. These villagers appeared have the lowest rates of brain “failure” ever recorded.

The people living here are unusually healthy, and obesity is virtually unheard of.

Super brain food

This research confirms what I’ve known for years: Cultures that regularly eat the spice turmeric — and its active, healing compound, curcumin — have very low rates of memory disorders.

How does curcumin protect — and boost — your mind and memory?

First, it addresses the three main causes of memory disorders:
  1. Beta-amyloid proteins clump into plaque in your brain. This keeps nerve cells from communicating, causing memory problems and mood swings.
  2. The breakdown of acetylcholine, the neurotransmitter you must have for sharp memory, clarity of thought and good judgment.
  3. Special proteins called tau, which keep delivery lines in your brain straight, become tangled.
Great news! Curcumin comes to the rescue, proven in clinical studies to…
  • Prevent the formation of beta-amyloid plaque and break down existing beta-amyloid build-up. 12 Journal of Neuroscience Research reports, “Curcumin has potent anti-amyloid” effects.
  • Stop the breakdown of acetylcholine 13
  • Significantly reduce the levels of tangled tau 14
Case studies document how curcumin
reverses memory problems

One small study followed people with severe memory symptoms. After 12 weeks of taking curcumin, their symptoms improved significantly.

After one year, some of the patients were able to recognize their family members again. 15

No wonder Alzheimer’s Research and Therapy hails curcumin because it “reverses cognitive impairment in just one month.”

Journal of Psychopharmacology adds: “Curcumin possesses many properties which may prevent or [improve] age-related cognitive decline… One hour after administration, curcumin significantly improved working memory.”

Now, let Curcumin Triple Burn supercharge your mind and memory and protect your brain from disaster. But there’s even more that this NEW curcumin can do for you…

Major California university: Memory problems reversed in 6 months with curcumin
At a major California university’s program with curcumin at the center of treatment, a 69-year-old man who suffered 12 years of progressive cognitive decline and fading memory had a remarkable recovery.
Within in 6 months of taking curcumin, his improvement shocked researchers.
Not only did the decline in memory disorders stop, but he was able to once again recognize faces… remember his daily schedule… and even function at work without difficulty.
Even better, he regained his life-long ability to add columns of numbers rapidly in his head. 16
Curcumin was part of treatment for “reversal of cognitive decline” — Aging 2014 September

Why I call curcumin “the golden miracle pill”

It’s my mission to make sure you know about the latest in alternative treatments and hear the truth that you won’t get from mainstream doctors or the media.

Which is why I’ve been shouting the praises of curcumin from the rooftops — long before it became “famous.”

Believe me, everyone can benefit from this golden pill.

I’ve seen traditional healers in India, Bali, Jamaica and Africa use this one root (turmeric) and its healing compound curcumin to treat dozens of health problems. And I saw how strong — mentally and physically — their village elders were.

It treats 782 health conditions, supported by more than 8,000 research papers and scientific studies. I’ve seen the power of curcumin to reverse many health problems we associate with aging. Problems that affect your heart, brain, joints and whole body.

Why does it work so well? Because curcumin is “multi-targeted,” unlike conventional medicine’s mono-targeted approach to address one symptom. Curcumin gets to the root cause of most ailments: Chronic inflammation.

But there’s a problem with
most curcumin supplements

As powerful as the spice is, if your body can’t absorb it, it won’t do you any good.

And as more and more manufacturers hopped on the bandwagon, more and more ineffective curcumin supplements flooded the market.

So my researchers and I set about formulating the most powerful new curcumin supplement in the world. And I believe we did it.

Not only does it harness the power of curcumin and amplify it beyond compare, it also contains three other ingredients you won’t find in combination in any other curcumin supplements.

It’s finally here. If anything has ever been worth the wait, it’s this golden miracle pill — Curcumin Triple Burn.

Curcumin means “significantly less fatigue”— Journal of Psychopharmacology

 “Curcumin can be a valuable option in the treatment of chronic fatigue.”—Immunobiology

Do you often feel tired and fatigued for no apparent reason?

If so, here’s great news: Curcumin Triple Burn can help you end fatigue, fast and forever.

How? It addresses two main (and hidden) causes of tiredness and fatigue.

Why some physicians are using curcumin
to treat chronic fatigue

New research now links inflammation to fatigue, and that’s why some doctors are using curcumin to treat chronic fatigue.

The Journal of Neuroscience has uncovered a key mechanism explaining why inflammation causes fatigue.

In animal studies, it has been shown that inflammation outside of the nervous system enters the brain. This activates cells that attract immune cells into the brain where they should not be. The results? Immune cells in the brain trigger fatigue.

But curcumin’s anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties quell inflammation and help you feel re-energized… stronger… and healthier.

In a study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology showing the effects of curcumin on cognition and mood, curcumin was shown to reduce fatigue 5 timesmore effectively than the placebo. 17

Plus Curcumin Triple Burn “de-activates”
fatigue in another key way

High levels of stress hormones can also drain you of energy.

In the modern world, we are bombarded by stress 24 hours a day. Your adrenal glands are part of your body that regulate stress response. They secrete hormones like adrenaline, norepinephrine and cortisol.

But if chronic stress persists, your body demands more cortisol… your adrenal glands can’t keep up… they “burn out”… and you become fatigued.

So you need adaptogens, a special class of healing herbs used for thousands of years in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine, to balance and regulate your body and reduce stress.

The best I’ve found in a super adaptogen called Holy Basil, which I discovered on my visits to Bali.

Western medicine completely ignores it, but I use this healing herb routinely at Sears Institute as it dramatically reduces stress in almost every part of your body.

Its real power is its ability to lower and stabilize the production of stress hormones, like cortisol and adrenaline, even when stress around you seems overwhelming.

And that’s one reason why I made sure it was included in the Curcumin Triple Burn formula. In a bit, you’ll also read why it’s a curcumin booster.

But first, let me tell you why the NEW curcumin in Curcumin Triple Burn can help you feel years, even decades, younger…

Amazing case studies with curcumin

>> Vision restored in two weeks: In the fall of 2014, Vanessa began suffering from rapid vision loss. She went from perfectly normal vision to feeling like she needed glasses just to see her dinner or chop vegetables.

Then she began to take curcumin. Within two weeks, her vision cleared up, and she no longer needed glasses for simple tasks. Her eyesight was restored to completely normal. 18

 Sharp vision: 100% of patients who received curcumin had healthy eye tissues according to Phytotherapy Research 19

>> Post-Op Miracle reported in TIME
Jerry’s post-op story is so remarkable, his doctor wrote about it in TIME.
Jerry, in his 60s, suffered with two bad hips and underwent hip replacement surgery. He heard about curcumin and began taking it, instead of painkillers, right after his operation on one hip.

His doctor called him a “post-op miracle.” Jerry was walking without a cane and without a limp within one week! 20

“I’m 84 but people think I’m 20 years younger. Curcumin Triple Burn 
helps me feel better overall. More energy, less forgetfulness, less joint pain.”
 Kent S., Cocoa Beach, FL

 “Curcumin helps slow aging down in your body.”— PloS One

Telomeres, the tiny bindings at the end of each strand of DNA, determine how you age.
Why is it that my patients who take the NEW curcumin found in Curcumin Triple Burn tell me they feel younger and healthier?

It’s because curcumin works its anti-aging magic by protecting your telomeres, the tiny bindings at the end of each strand of your DNA that determines how you age.

As cells in your body divide, the fuses burn down. And when your telomeres get too short, your cells STOP dividing. New cells no longer replace damaged ones… and you begin to show the symptoms of old age.

The new de-ager: Curcumin

What’s got me really excited is the new research showing that curcumin helps stop your telomeres from shortening — and may actually help your telomeres grow longer.

Curcumin activates the enzyme telomerase, which helps preserve and lengthen your telomeres. 21

What does this mean? The aging process slows down in your body, and you avoid many of the diseases of aging.

Even better, Curcumin Triple Burn offers you something you won’t find in typical curcumin or turmeric supplements…

Curcumin means better blood sugar, mood and prostate health
  • 100% success for health blood sugar — Diabetes Care: In one study, people likely to progress to more serious blood sugar problems took curcumin or a placebo. After nine months, none of the patients taking curcumin were diagnosed. Amazing! 22
  • The “kitchen cure” that fights the blues — Prevention: In a study published in Phytotherapy Research, a 1,000 mg daily dose of curcumin was shown to be very effective in combating poor moods and the blues.23 No wonder the researcher reports, “Curcumin reduces symptoms of (gloominess and despair).”
  • Healthier prostates and higher quality of life — Panminerva Med: 33 men with prostate issues took curcumin in addition to conventional treatments (no drugs) or just the conventional treatments. After six months, the curcumin group had greater improvement in prostate health, higher quality of life and reduction of symptoms. 24

Three herbal wonders that “amp” up the power of curcumin to keep you younger and healthier

In my travels to India, Bali, Africa and other countries, I’ve seen how natural healers combine certain spices and herbs for even more powerful healing effects.

That’s why Curcumin Triple Burn includes three special herbs to “amp” up its power even more, starting with…

Curcumin supercharger No. 1: Holy Basil powder

Holy Basil is one of the most revered herbs in Ayurveda, the oldest health care system in history. Here’s why...

Holy Basil, like curcumin, is a powerful anti-inflammatory. A study at the prestigious Royal Pharmaceutical Society found Holy Basil reduced painful joint inflammation by up to 73% — with results lasting 24 hours after treatment. 25

Plus, Holy Basil is also nature’s most potent stress buster. Why is this important?

Because University of California researchers discovered stress makes you age faster.

These researchers compared women who felt a lot of stress to women under little stress. 

Using cellular markers, they discovered that high stress women were up to 10 years “older” than women with low stress. 26

Holy Basil is a powerful “adaptogen,” a substance that helps balance and regulate your body — and reduce stress.

Even better, Holy Basil has been clinically proven to keep fasting glucose and post-meal glucose at healthy levels… support healthy cholesterol… and even boost brain power.

But that’s not all. Curcumin Triple Burn also includes…

The “spice from heaven” in its most powerful medicinal dose

My NEW curcumin formula also includes ginger, but not the kind in your kitchen cabinet or in typical supplements.

Curcumin supercharger No. 2: Ginger root extract

I only recommend a concentrated dose of ginger’s most potent medical compound: gingerol. And what it can do for your health is simply remarkable.

You may know ginger as a remedy for upset stomach. But it can also give your heart a real boost.

Ginger is rich in flavonoids — a type of antioxidant that’s especially good for your heart.

One study looked at the dietary intake of flavonoids in 1,400 men. Men who had the least amount had the worst carotid artery health and the highest risk of heart problems. 27

Ginger also reduces oxidation, which can inflame the lining of your arteries. In one study 40 subjects (20 healthy, 20 with heart problems) took 5 grams of ginger powder a day. After four weeks, oxidation decreased by 18% in the healthy group and by 23% in the group with heart problems. 28

But that’s not all. Ginger has been clinically proven to support healthy weight levels… improve digestion… boost circulation and blood flow… ease inflammatory pain… and improve insulin support.

In addition, Curcumin Triple Burn includes an incredible botanical I first discovered in Bali, where it’s prized for its healing power. It’s…

Curcumin supercharger No. 3: Galangal root powder

For generations, the people of Bali have used Galangal as a spice in their meals.

Both Galangal and curcumin are loaded with antioxidants, which neutralize and remove dangerous free radicals from your body. And both are great at reducing inflammation. That’s why Galangal is used to boost the immune system… treat colds and flu… and reduce fevers.

Animal studies show Galangal boosts brain power and memory. Indian scientists caused amnesia in mice, then treated the mice with Galangal.

The mice that got Galangal had lower levels of free radicals and better performance remembering their way through a maze. 29

Galangal also helps increase blood flow to your brain, which prevents the onset of memory disorders, 30 plus it has antibacterial and antiviral properties. No wonder Galangal has been hailed as the “gold mine of future therapeutics” by 3 Biotech.

Together, Holy Basil… Ginger… and Galangal found exclusively in Curcumin Triple Burn complement the benefits of curcumin and power it up — all to supercharge your health and longevity.

The gold pill that delivers 17 amazing health benefits
Curcumin Triple Burn’s unique power-packed ingredients unleash the full healing power of curcumin all to help you remedy your worst health problems and enjoy…
  • A stronger, healthier heart
  • Boundless natural energy
  • Healthier blood sugar and insulin response
  • Flexible, pain free joints
  • Sharp mind and memory
  • Healthier cholesterol
  • Lower triglycerides
  • Healthier blood pressure
  • Less stress
  • Healthy eyes and sharp vision
  • Better moods
  • Healthier prostate
  • Healthy weight levels
  • Great digestion
  • Improved circulation
  • Renewed youthfulness
  • Clear arteries
No other spice, herb or nutrient delivers all of the remarkable results you get from Curcumin Triple Burn. Take it every day, skyrocket your health and feel young again.

Best of all, you can…

Now get the world’s most powerful
curcumin for just 49 cents a pill
and FREE shipping forever

Since I first introduced Curcumin Triple Burn to my patients and readers, response has been “off the charts.”

These folks are so grateful that at last, the full healing power of curcumin is now available in the only curcumin formula that gives you…
  • A therapeutic dose of curcumin, 1,000 mg
  • Bioperine ® Black Pepper Extract (5 mg) that boosts the absorption of curcumin by 2,000%
  • Ginger Root Extract, 100 mg
  • Holy Basil Powder, 100 mg
  • Galangal Root Powder, 100 mg
…in each serving

Even better, if you order now, you can enjoy Curcumin Triple Burn for as little as 49 cents a pill and FREE shipping forever.

Lock-in the “Best Deal” ever offered
for Curcumin Triple Burn: Just 49 cents a pill

Because I want to get this remarkable formula into the hands of as many people as possible, special arrangements have been made for you to try Curcumin Triple Burn with the “Best Deal” 3-month, VIP Auto Delivery Program.

This Best Deal includes…

Three bottles of Curcumin Triple Burn shipped right to your door for just $29.95 each for a total of $89.85. That’s a 30% savings from the regular per bottle price. This is the lowest price ever offered and just 49 cents a pill.

Then, every 3 months just before you run out, you’ll receive a new 3-month supply, and your credit card will be charged. 

(You may cancel at any time.) You can lock-in this special low price, and it will never go up as long as you’re in the VIP Auto Delivery Program.
You get FREE shipping forever with this discounted price as long as you keep 
taking Curcumin Triple Burn.

With the “Best Deal” 3-month, VIP Auto Delivery Program you’ll never have to worry about running out of Curcumin Triple Burn or re-ordering — and you can cancel at any time!

Even better, you enjoy annual savings of over $260!

Take the NEW curcumin with 2,000%
more healing power

For thousands of years, natural healers have used curcumin to remedy hundreds of health conditions.

Now, thanks to modern science and technology, you can take a golden pill that unleashes all of curcumin’s remarkable healing power.

Curcumin Triple Burn is the next generation curcumin formula that’s doing wonders for my patients, readers and me.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS

  1. Study Finds Low Alzheimer’s Risk in Rural India,” Prevent Disease, accessed 12-1-15
  2. Redfern, R., CurcuminiinHealth.info, accessed 11/24/15
  3. “Newly created turmeric-based formulation releases anti-inflammatory power throughout the body.” Medical News Today. 11 November 2014.
  4. Soni, KB., et al. “Effects of oral curcumin administration on serum peroxides and cholesterol levels in human volunteers.”  Indian J. Physiol Pharmacol. Oct 1992.
  5. Wongcharoen W. et al.  Am J Cardiol. 2012 Jul 1.
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