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Telomerase Herbs

A new study shows that certain nutrients and natural compounds that can act as potent telomerase activators have a positive effect on the development of old age - related diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer's. UCLA researchers found that a Chinese herbal therapy called TSY-1 increases telomerase activity in normal blood cells and reduces it in cancer cells. The researchers found that it works in the same way as a normal diet, but without the harmful side effects of high cholesterol and high blood pressure, as well as high blood and blood vessel cholesterol and high blood sugar levels. A UCLA researcher has found an alternative to a standard diet for cancer patients with Chinese herbal therapy called TSY-1, which increases telomere activity and reduces it on cancer cells. A UCLA professor of medicine at the UCLA School of Medicine, was found by the researchers to increase telomerase activity within normal blood cells and decrease their activity on tumor cells in a normal diet. Sources: 1, 13, 15
Among the substances tested, TA-65, extracted from astragalus, a plant used in Ayurvedic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, is the strongest telomerase activator reported to date. It is a natural product of the same class of telomere activators that have been on the market since 2008 and which extend telomeres in humans. The company is focusing on the substance, which is thought to switch on and off the enzyme telomerase (hTERT), which is used to maintain and extend telomeres. TSY-1 produces TA / 65 at a very low level at the Stragalos facility, according to the study. Sources: 2, 12, 13
Previous studies have shown that injecting the telomerase gene into T cells can prevent telomere shortening and allow them to maintain their HIV-fighting function for much longer. It has also been shown to increase telomere length in aging cells and restore the phenotype normally associated with young cells. It suggests that if science finds a way to increase telomerase production, telomeres will remain in place for a long time, extend lifespan, and possibly reduce the risk of disease. Sources: 0, 9, 10
So what supplements should you take to lengthen your telomeres and stay younger? Take a look at the real science - natural telomerase length Complement recipes to get the benefits of all ingredients in a natural formula that aims to help you improve your quality of life. Sources: 17, 21
Although no long-term test data are currently available, herbs and nutraceuticals containing telomere reserve support agents and antioxidants have been proposed as potent telomerase activators. The herb Cynomorium was found to increase telomere length and is made from a herb used in traditional Chinese medicine as Astragalus membranaceus, which is said to increase telomerase activity and thus produce more telomeres that protect chromosomes. TA-65 contains the herb, which is often used in traditional Chinese medicine as an immunity booster and has a strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect in the body. It contains resveratrol, which activates telomase, a key component of the antioxidant and aging properties of many vitamins and minerals. Sources: 3, 7, 12, 19
A recent study found that the administration of nutraceuticals and supplements may be associated with sustained telomere length in healthy adults. At this stage, we do not seem to know whether telomerase can be used in such a way that it only works to lengthen telomeres and does not actually stimulate cancer. There are small studies suggesting that medication, supplements and lifestyle changes can lengthen telomeres, but most are in the middle. They are best in middle age, because no rigorous tests have ever shown that they can walk for long periods of time in humans, "Armanios explains. We do not know whether drugs, supplements or lifestyle changes can increase or prolong telemedicine in the short term. Sources: 5, 9, 11, 12
Magnoflor has been identified as an alkaloid in five herbal extracts that induces growth suppression and telomerase suppression in HLF cells. Ashwagandha root extract increases telomere activity in human embryonic stem cells and human fibroblasts in the presence of a high dose of magnoflamine. Sources: 6, 20
On the basis of the above, it could be a telomerase activator, and if certain astragalus molecules are found to contribute to telomere growth, this herb could add anti-age to its impressive resume. Sources: 8, 12
Because aging promotes degenerative pathologies, screening for new drugs is an important step in developing new ways to avoid the critically short telomere lengths that lead to aging and age-related diseases. In previous studies, the only way to increase telomerase activity in laboratory animals was to add an additional gene to it. Since telomeres naturally shorten with age, research has suggested that there may be a way to slow down the telomere shortening process. Sources: 14, 18, 20
Here we look at the anti-aging effects of various nutraceuticals, which can be enhanced individually with numerous growth factors and telomerase activators, and their potential to increase telomere activity. Highly extracted natural herbs have been standardized for their active components that support adult stem cells teliterically. Here we report on the use of a variety of herbs to increase telomerase activity in mice and also in humans in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Exercise improves blood circulation to the brain, increases the nitric oxide levels that dialetate the vessels, and increases telomerase activity, a key component of healthy aging. 

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