Telomere - Wikipedia

Google: lengthen telomeres naturally Telomere - Wikipedia Telomeres are repetitive nucleotide sequences located at the termini of l...

Showing posts with label stem cell cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stem cell cancer. Show all posts

The Biggest Turmeric Breakthrough in 4,000 YEARS OF USE

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Doctor's House CallAl Sears

Dear Health Conscious Reader,
A little $1 pill just hit the market.
What disease does it treat? A better question might be...
What disease DOESN'T it treat?
A former researcher at America's leading cancer hospital said of it,"This shows promising effects to prevent and cure every chronic disease including cancer."
I'm talking about...
  • Diabetes;
  • Heart disease;
  • Alzheimer's;
  • Arthritis;
  • Nearly every type of cancer;
  • And much more.
In fact, 6,600 peer-reviewed studies have proven its ability to treat 619 different conditions — without side-effects.
So why haven't you heard of it?
It's extremely affordable. So Big Pharma can't make obscene profit off its incredible healing power.
This year might be the last one Big Pharma can prey on your disease.
Read below to find out how you can heal yourself of a multitude of conditions — with just this $1 pill - Order the Curcumin Triple Burn HERE.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
Al Sears, MD, CNS

Al Sears, MD
11905 Southern Blvd.
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411

P.S. A few weeks ago, I reserved this report for Confidential Curessubscribers. But today, you DON'T need a subscription to get access to this disease-breaking dossier. This is a must-read.

Imagine your doctor hands you a brand-new pill...

At first glance it looks like any ordinary pill... maybe a little smaller, not so fake-looking.

But what he says next leaves you breathless...

"This is the last thing I'll ever prescribe you..."

"It was formulated by a prestigious California university a few years back."

"Since then studies have documented its ability to cure 619 diseases — virtually everything that affects your health."

"And it has zero side effects — nobody has ever reported feeling anything but pure joy after taking it."

Now at this point you're already a bit floored...

Could one tiny tablet really contain so much healing potential?

But then he drops the bomb...

Something that changes the way you think of your health and medicine forever...

He tells you that despite being completely side-effect free...

And costing only $1...

6,600 peer-reviewed studies have proven its superiority over the world's leading drugs.

With this mountain of research he had no choice but to share it with you — and all of his patients.

In fact, double-blind, placebo controlled trials have found it...

EloxatinKills 16-times more cancer cells than the leading chemo drug Eloxatin by itself 
(International Journal of Oncology)
Metformin“It's 400-times more potent than the diabetes drug Metformin” — reports Auburn University researchers (Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications)
AriceptPerforms better in memory tests than the drug Aricept (the most widely prescribed Alzheimer's drug) — Salk Institute for Biological Studies
ProzacMore effectively treats Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) than Prozac — without Prozac's devastating side effects, according to a randomized, controlled study.
LipitorLowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels better than the statin drug Lipitor(Journal of Drug Research and Development)
Treats chronic uveitis — a leading cause of blindness — better than corticosteroids... the only available prescription treatment (Journal of Phytotherapy Research)
CelebrexBeats Celebrex for relieving knee arthritis pain (Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine)
IbuprofenRelieves rheumatoid arthritis pain better than Ibuprofen(Journal ofPhytotherapy Research)
“Therapeutic effects are comparable to pharmaceutical NSAIDs... but with a major difference in that this compound is nontoxic and free of side effects.” - Vanderbilt and University of Pittsburgh researchers (Journal ofSurgical Neurology International)
Viagra“Could enhance erectile function with more efficacy and more prolonged duration of action than Viagra”(International Journal of Impotence Research)
“More effective in stopping the protein fragments from forming than many other drugs being tested to treat Alzheimer's” - UCLA Alzheimer's Department and Veterans Affairs researchers (Journal of Biological Chemistry)
FOLFOXDestroys more colon cancer stem cells than Adrucil (one of the most widely prescribed chemotherapy drugs - Baylor University researchers
The list goes on and on.

In total, it's proven more powerful than 19 of America's best-selling drugs.

Everything from chemo and painkillers... to antidepressants and statins.

Drugs that generate $1.2 trillion in pure profit every year for Big Pharma.

And without side effects!

It's not just me saying this either...

According to Dr. Joseph Maroon, Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Pittsburgh, "It's similar to drugs but with none of the side effects of drugs."

"This shows promising effects to prevent and cure every chronic disease including cancer."

— Former researcher at a leading cancer center

"Significant preventive and curative effects have been observed in a number of diseases, including arteriosclerosis, cancer, diabetes, respiratory, hepatic, pancreatic, intestinal and gastric diseases, neurodegenerative and eye diseases."

— London School of Medicine

It's simply the best treatment available for cancer... Alzheimer's... and arthritis — all in one.

Never before has the full spectrum of curing benefits been found in a single medicine.

And get this... it's 100% natural!

How is this possible?

Biggest Breakthrough Since Aspirin…

Well, just like aspirin was made from willow bark…

Statin drugs from mold…

And antimalarial drugs were made from an ancient Chinese shrub…

A team of university scientists formulated this $1 pill from the compound of a South Asian spice.

One with a 3,000-year-old track record of healing all kinds of conditions.

Only, until now, its compound has NEVER been absorbable enough. It was impossible to enjoy its 100% healing benefits... all in one affordable, simple capsule our bodies can absorb.

But thanks to a scientific formulation of this natural compound — extracted from the healing spice…

We now have what's potentially the biggest medical breakthrough in history.

A "Wonder Drug" cure-all.

And it's available to the everyday American.

"It may turn out to be a wonder drug — like aspirin!"

— Professor of Neurology at major California university

And it doesn't matter...

checkmarkYour age or gender
checkmarkYour family history of disease
checkmarkOr what you've tried before

This can work for you, too!

I'll share with you the remarkable science behind it in a moment.
Happy senior couple

And why it can heal virtually every disease known to man... better than most drugs can treat one.

All more safely and inexpensively than anything else available.

Plus, I'll show you how you can begin using it today, from the comfort of your home.

No health insurance or doctor visits required.

But first thing's first...

Why You'll NEVER Hear About This From Your Doctor

Even though everything you've just read is 100% fact — backed by the leading medical journals and experts...

Institutions like Johns Hopkins... Baylor... and America's leading cancer center...

The scenario I've just shown you with your doctor is completely imaginary. It will NEVER happen.

Your doctor will NEVER write you a prescription for it.


Because this pill is 100% natural...

The drug companies can't patent it.

So they can't profit from it.

And if it goes mainstream, it will dry up their $1.2 trillion in revenue overnight.

"Pharmaceutical companies are not going to be able to profit from this. It is so inexpensive some doctors have a hard time believing that it even works because they are comparing it to drugs that cost $45,000 to $50,000 per dose. They feel it cannot work because it doesn't cost as much as the drugs they are used to dispensing."

"We have put too much emphasis on survival of the pharmaceutical companies and not enough focus on the survival of the patients. That's a big problem. We need to change our thinking."

— Former researcher at a leading cancer

That's because this tiny pill targets the root cause of ALL disease.

The one thing Alzheimer's, cancer, diabetes, and all age-related diseases have in common.

And disease is the business model of Big Pharma. They make all their money on managing the symptoms.

Take away the underlying disease and their revenue vanishes.
But get this…

The Underground Movement Of Disease-Free Americans

Here at my Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine, the scenario I've shown you happens almost every day.

You see, I've been privy to this discovery for years now… and recommend it to all of my patients…

I never stop being amazed at the results they experience — results that are nothing short of breathtaking.

They're stopping and even reversing some of the most deadly diseases imaginable.

Everything from Alzheimer's and cancer... to diabetes, arthritis, heart disease — you name it.

I've even documented patients becoming pain-free... regain their once-lost memories... and see their tumors disappear and never return...


All thanks to the $1 pill I'm sharing with you today.

While my colleagues expressed their concerns about sending this message to you...

I answer to my Hippocratic Oath — NOT the pharmaceutical companies...

And I want to give you the opportunity to buck the "one illness = one drug for life" model...

Couple running on beach
The same opportunity enjoyed by thousands of everyday Americans who are becoming free of disease, once and for all.

In just a moment, I'll share with you the full details on the "Wonder Drug" at the center of this controversial story...

You'll see how it targets the hidden root cause of ALL disease...

You'll see examples of real-life patients it's healed...

And you'll see how you can start using it today — without a prescription.

But before I go into that, allow me to introduce myself and how I stumbled upon this disease-ending breakthrough...

I've Traveled To 30 Countries On Six Continents In Search Of Little-Known Cures And Remedies

I've discovered treatments used by native peoples still living much like our ancestors did... free of the diseases that now afflict mankind.

Their bodies never lost the natural ability to fight off disease. And neither have ours.

But the modern environment has weakened our immune systems — all while bombarding us with disease-causing toxins and pollutants.

That's why you need every weapon possible to fight the modern world's escalating rate of disease.

And nothing quite compares to the $1 pill I'm sharing with you today.

It's promising to turn the world of medicine upside down like nothing I've ever seen before.

In fact, just a handful of studies prove it…

checkmarkReverses memory loss from late-stage Alzheimer's in just three months — Journal of Alzheimer's Research and TherapyMemory
Kills cancer stem cells (“the root cause of cancer”) —Journal of Anticancer Research
Shrinks tumors with 81% success rate — Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry
Stop Cancer
Halts the onset of Type 2 Diabetes with 100% success Journals of the American Diabetes Association
Reduces amyloid plaque in the brain by 50%... the hallmark of Alzheimer's disease  Journal of Biological Chemistry
Relieves arthritis joint inflammation, swelling and destruction — Journal of Arthritis and Rheumatism
Cuts breast cancer rates in half  Johns Hopkins University
Shrinks pancreatic tumors by 42%  Journal ofAnticancer Research
Lowers heart attack rate post-bypass by 65% — The American Journal of Cardiology
Heart attack
Repairs damage from spinal cord injury and preserves walking ability — Journal of Neurosurgery
Reverses Type 1 diabetes  Journal of Diabetology and Metabolic Syndrome
Repairs brain damage caused by neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's — Journal of Stem Cell Research and Therapy
Prolongs lifespan by 25%  University of Notre Dame researchers
Activates cancer-killing mechanisms in human saliva Clinical Cancer Research
Kills “chemo proof” cancer cells — Journal of Carcinogenesis
Eliminates symptoms of hard-to-treat atypical depression — double-blind, placebo-controlled trial published in Journal of Affective Disorders
Happy woman
Reduces arthritis joint pain by 60%... and joint swelling by 73% — double-blind, placebo-controlled study in the Journal of Phytotherapy Research
Stops the onset of cataracts… the #1 cause of blindness  Journal of Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science
Eye Exam
Lowers triglyceride levels by 65%... a more important factor in heart disease than LDL (“bad”) cholesterol - Journal of Phytotherapy Research
Eliminates symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) with 60% success — Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine
Reverses Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) in 6 weeks Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology
And so on.

It's incredible.

In my 30 years of practicing medicine, I've never seen anything that can match its range of proven benefits.

Mind you, these aren't some quack scientists.

They're studies from some of the world's top universities.

Published in highly respected peer-reviewed medical journals.

All proving what the medical establishment claims is "impossible":

That a single nutrient can cure nearly every single disease known to man.

In total it's proven to treat 619 diseases. I couldn't possibly list them all here or the studies behind them.

114 studies confirm it can stop and even reverse Alzheimer's!

And 900 studies prove it can heal over 100 types of cancer — lung, breast, colon, prostate, you name it.

Over 24 studies show its ability to treat pancreatic cancer alone — one of the deadliest cancers.

All without harming healthy cells — or side effects like pain, nausea, or hair loss.
"It's not toxic, it's well tolerated, and cheap."
— Professor of head and neck surgery at a California university and a Jonsson Cancer researcher
"We are providing evidence that [this $1 pill] can work on at least one dozen cancers. In fact, let's put it this way: we have not found a single cancer on which this doesn't work."
— Former researcher at a leading cancer center

Look. I'm not one to tout anything as a "miracle cure." But this is about as close to one as it possibly gets.

It's not just me saying this either...

According to a, former researcher at a leading cancer center "it's not only the master switch to turn off cancer, but the cure for it."

Baylor University's Dr. Ajay Goel even calls this "a miracle herb."

And a Professor of Chemistry at the University of Texas says "in all diseases and all cancers it has shown good effects."

There's nothing else like it! Not in mainstream or alternative medicine.

Yet I doubt 1 in 1,000 Americans has ever heard of it.

Or the remarkable healing spice from which it was formulated.

Researchers have called it the "unsung hero" of medicine — it's simply not discussed.

But 10,000 miles east of the United States — in certain ancient villages — they've known about this herb's healing powers for several millennia.

"Asia's Version of Aspirin" Rediscovered!

In Far Eastern villages — where it remains a staple today — Alzheimer's is virtually non-existent.

According to a doctor at a major California university, the elders of these villages have the lowest rate of Alzheimer's in the world — less than 1%.

Compare that to America, where the rate is closer to 33%.

BBC even reports, "these villages may hold the key to beating dementia."

Prostate, colon, lung, and other types of cancer are also negligible.

In the United States, in fact, cancer rates are up to 13 times higher.
Baylor University

As one Baylor scientist puts it, "Robust data clearly highlights that populations that consume [the compound in this spice] as part of their diet have much lower incidence of many diseases, including cancer."

After all, these ancient cultures have vast trial-and-error experience with many herbs, plants, and food.

They use this as a major medical tool because it works — not out of superstition.

That's why experts call it "Asia's Version of Aspirin."

I've visited these places first-hand and spent time with the people. It's incredible to see how they don't suffer from modern diseases.  And how strong their village elders are — mentally and physically.

They're able to move around free, unrestricted by pain or crippling disabilities.

And they're famous for their memories... re-telling ancient stories their grandparents passed down to them.

If it worked for them, I was certain it could work for my patients back in America.

The problem is, the natives have to eat large quantities of the stuff in their diets — for almost every meal. And they still don't quite get the required amount of the active ingredient — only 3.4% can be found in the spice.

What's more, the original spice is not very absorbable for our bodies.

So even though they've managed to stay free of most modern diseases, they still don't get its full spectrum of curing benefits.

Scientists of a leading university saw this problem when they first began studying it.

Their solution was to isolate the active ingredient — and pack the compound in one single highly absorbable solution.

One that can deliver more of it directly to your blood, where it's needed.

I tracked their developments and the hundreds of studies being conducted on it.

Once I saw that THIS was the most powerful formula possible — one that harnessed 100% of this compound's curing power — I began recommending it to all my patients.

The results have been absolutely jaw-dropping.

From Terminal to Cancer-Free for 7 Years
Happy woman in a field

Take Vicky Stewart, who was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and stunned her doctors when she refused chemo drug Tamoxifen.

"It was the worry of the drugs and the side effects. I didn't want to have to worry about it, I wanted to be free."

So instead she opted for this $1 pill — and seven years later remains free of cancer.

Alzheimer's Reversed in 6 Months!

Senior using laptop
Or take the case of a 69-year-old man diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. He had suffered for 12 years of progressive cognitive decline and his memory recently began fading quickly.

That is, until he began a university program with the $1 pill at the center of his treatment protocol.

Within six months he saw improvements that shocked researchers.

Not only did his decline stop...

He was able to recognize faces, remember his daily schedule, and even function at work without difficulty.

He even regained his life-long ability to add columns of numbers rapidly in his head.

Vanderbilt University logo

"It's shown a demonstrated ability to enter the brain, bind and destroy the beta-amyloid plaques present in Alzheimer's with reduced toxicity."

— Wellington Pham, Ph.D., professor of Radiology and Radiological Sciences and Biomedical Engineering at Vanderbilt University

Severe Arthritis Cured in 8 Weeks!

Man golfing
There's the case of Melvin Wisoky, a 68-year-old CPA from Long Island, who suffered from severe arthritis. His forearm, elbow, and wrist hurt so bad, he stopped functioning.

NSAIDs didn't work for him — besides the awful side effects.

Then he heard about the $1 pill from a Baylor University physician Dr. Ajay Goel.

Within months his pain vanished. There were no more signs of arthritis. Two years later, he's still living pain-free.

Perfect Vision Restored in 2 Weeks!
Girl without glasses

In the fall of 2014,
Vanessa suddenly began suffering from rapidly vision loss. She went from perfectly normal vision to feeling like she needed glasses just to see her dinner or chop vegetables — a scary feeling. Blindness could have struck at almost any minute.

So she began a regimen with the $1 pill. And within two weeks her vision cleared up. She no longer needed glasses for simple tasks. Her eyesight was completely restored to normal.

She didn't even go through a single bottle.

Depression Reversed in 7 Days!

Man gardening with coffee
Sammy had suffered from severe depression for over a decade.

But the depression wasn't even the worst part.

It was the apathy, anhedonia, aches and pains, brain fog, forgetfulness, and so on.

"I used to wake up, have some coffee and get back into bed a few hours later. I can't stress how awful I felt everyday."

He tried every supplement, every prescription, everything under the sun. Nothing worked.

Then he started taking the $1 pill. And within one week, he felt like a completely different person.

"I felt feelings that I never thought I would feel again. My lust for life is back and I no longer feel like garbage day in, day out."

It fact, Sammy's ONLY side effect is that sometimes he feels TOO happy.

"A Post-Op Miracle"

Senior couple walking dog
The case study of Jerry was so remarkable, his doctor wrote about the story in Time magazine.

Jerry, in his 60s, had two bad hips and had to go under for hip replacement surgery.

He had heard about the $1 pill and began taking it after his operation instead of painkillers.

His doctor called him "a post-op miracle."

Within one week, Jerry was walking without a cane and without a limp.

At first his doctor chalked it up to a "placebo effect." But then, six weeks later, Jerry went into surgery for his second hip and recovered even faster!

He was home the next day. No pain meds.

The success stories go on and on...

In fact, I have a file drawer full of patient stories just like these.

My patients have taken this $1 pill for every disease or condition you can imagine.

And they tell me how it's unlike anything they've ever experienced in mainstream or alternative medicine.

In just a moment, I'll reveal how you can secure a reliable supply of this "Wonder Drug" — without health insurance or a prescription — so you can experience the same results.

I've even assembled all the cutting-edge research on this disease-ending treatment into a brand-new dossier...

Asia's Wonder Spice: 
    The $1 Cure for Every Disease...Without Side Effects
Asia's Wonder Spice:
The $1 Cure for Every Disease...Without Side Effects

Inside you'll get details on the most powerful formulas designed by top researchers at Stanford, Johns Hopkins, and Baylor...

That includes their new technologies that deliver 800% more of this compound's curing benefits than anything else available.

In short, you'll get everything you need to make this the biggest health change of your life — no matter what you're suffering from.

With your permission, I'll instantly send this to your inbox absolutely FREE of charge.

If you or a loved one are battling cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's, arthritis, or ANY chronic disease, it's not too late.

I urge you to claim your FREE copy today.

But before I show you how to get your hands on this groundbreaking research, allow me to answer one thing...

How does this "Wonder Drug" work?

How could one single side-effect free pill cure so many of the worst diseases imaginable? 100% naturally?

Eliminates The Root Cause of All Disease

Because it targets the underlying cause of all disease...
Time magazine calls it "The Silent Killer."

In fact, when Time reported on this hidden cause of ALL disease, it suggested:"Instead of different treatments for heart disease, Alzheimer's and colon cancer, there might be a single remedy that would prevent all three."

Now we know that treatment already exists — the "Wonder Drug" I'm sharing with you today.

Newsweek also published a story on the root cause of every disease — one that asked, "If there's a common thread in the development of all disease, is there a common treatment?"

But the article took it a look further than Time and actually recommended a possible remedy:

The natural compound that forms the basis of this $1 pill!

I remember being absolutely stunned when I first read it.

Not that it was so powerful — I already knew that. But that a mainstream source like Newsweek would cover it.

I wondered if the proverbial Pandora's Box was now open?

But that was 10 years ago. The medical establishment ignored the article. And the health revolution never came.

Hopefully today — with this message I'm sending you — that this time around will be different.

So what is the underlying cause of all disease?

Chronic inflammation.

The Wall Street Journal calls inflammation "the new science behind America's deadliest diseases."

But it's not new.

In fact, I've said for decades that inflammation is the silent link between every single chronic disease.

Now mainstream researchers are just starting to catch up...

Heart disease is a good example.

The medical establishment has claimed cholesterol is the ultimate marker of heart disease...

Which has been a $100 billion boon for Big Pharma's statin cholesterol-lowering drugs...

But it's done absolutely nothing to stop heart disease from becoming America's #1 killer.

New research shows that 70% of people who experience heart attacks have normal cholesterol.

And new USDA guidelines in 2015 say that cholesterol is no longer even a dietary concern.

Instead a far better marker for heart disease is CRP (C-reactive protein): the measure for inflammation.

Big Pharma has even jumped on the bandwagon.

They're developing hot new anti-inflammatory drugs that sell great...

But they completely miss the mark.

Why Big Pharma Can NEVER Beat Inflammatory Disease
(But THIS Natural Pill Does)

You see, inflammation is linked to multiple genes. And synthetic drugs can only go after one. It's called "monotargeted."

Take COX-2 — one of the main enzymes involved in your body's inflammatory response.

The drug companies have developed a number of COX-2 inhibitors...

But the kicker is...

They also suppress your body's COX-1 gene, which is vital to repair your stomach lining.

So these anti-inflammatories often lead to gastrointestinal problems, among other side effects.

And since they only target a single gene, they don't work!

But that's what makes this $1 pill so different, and so much better.

Whereas these drugs maybe suppress ONE gene... and not only don't work, but trigger serious (sometimes fatal) side effects...

This treatment instead switches off ALL of the genes involved in your body's runaway
inflammation — naturally...

Without entirely suppressing your body's natural and necessary inflammatory response.

Which makes it the world's most powerful and safest anti-inflammatory therapy EVER developed.

"Chronic inflammation and most chronic diseases are closely linked, and that antioxidant properties of [this $1 pill] can play a key role in the prevention and treatment of chronic inflammation diseases."

— Peer-reviewed journal Molecules

"The depth and breadth of the scientific and clinical body of literature supports its safe, inexpensive, and potent use in treating a myriad of inflammatory diseases."

— Dr. Ajay Goel, Baylor University

"It has been shown to exhibit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and anticancer activities."

— A leading cancer center

Shuts Down Our Body's "Inflammation Command Center"

How is this possible?

Because it deactivates our body's inflammatory response right at the source...

The molecule Nuclear Factor-kappa B (NF-kB) — the inflammation command center.

This critical molecule can be linked to nearly every chronic disease.

Let me explain...

NF-kB is the "switch" that activates over 400 of our body's pro-inflammatory genes.

Including the enzymes COX-2, iNOS, and LOX.

As a result it provides our body the blueprint for regulating its inflammatory response.

That's why Big Pharma has long considered NF-kB the "holy grail" for anti-inflammatory drugs.

But they haven't yet found a way to reliably and safely deactivate it.

So instead they've created a bunch of drugs to target each individual enzyme...

And as a result missed the "forest from the trees" — the master molecule of inflammation.

But that's what makes this new disease-ending breakthrough so remarkable.

It's a highly effective NF-kb inhibitor — one that simply deactivates it.

And again, because it's natural, Big Pharma can't patent it.

According to one leading cancer researcher, "Nearly 98 percent of all diseases are controlled by NF-kappa B. This [$1 pill] can subdue this potent molecule."

In a recent Ohio State University study, researchers activated the NF-kB molecule in animals.

Imaging showed the inflammation lit up through their body — but not in the control group.

They gave the control group this $1 pill and images showed zero evidence of inflammation.

In fact, researchers found no signs the NF-kB molecule had ever been activated at all.

They concluded, "[This treatment] releases anti-inflammatory power throughout the body."

This has HUGE implications for almost every disease.

Take cancer, for instance.

NF-kB plays a major role in the genesis and spread of tumors.

A study from a leading cancer center found the molecule active in the early onset of 95% of cancers.

That includes the development of cancer stem cells — arguably "the root cause of cancer."

This is why the $1 pill can destroy cancer stem cells, where chemo fails.

And why it's so effective at treating so many different kinds of cancer — over 100 types, according to the scientific research.

The Medical Establishment's Secret War on
This "Wonder Drug"

So you'd think with the mountain of scientific research behind this "Wonder Drug"...

Its safety, ease-of-use, and complete absence of side effects...

And that it's not only better than 19 FDA-approved drugs...

But treats hundreds of conditions — with results incomparable to anything else available...

That the FDA would be completely on board, right?

Instead the FDA — supposedly looking out for our health — has decided to declare war on it.

They recently ruled that this spice can't be added to compounded medications — medications prepared for you by specialized pharmacies.

This is unusual, especially since these pharmacies are supposed to develop personalized treatments — ones not even classified as drugs.

In other words, the FDA stepped outside of its jurisdiction to ban this perfectly safe treatment.

Sitting on this committee were over a dozen execs from the top pharmaceutical companies...

Companies that would stand to lose hundreds of billions if the decision had been different.

It's truly corruption on an unimaginable scale. And your health, your life, and your family are the ultimate victims.

It gets worse though...

90-Day Alzheimer's Cure

You see, researchers at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies recently concluded this $1 pill is the MOST promising Alzheimer's treatment ever developed.
Alzheimer's Disease

In their study, published in the journalAlzheimer's Research and Therapy, the results were breathtaking...

Researchers aged mice until they were the equivalent of 80-year-old humans with late-stage Alzheimer's.

Then they administered the treatment over the course of 90 days.

Their conclusion...

"The compound reversed cognitive impairment in aged Alzheimer's mice."

It's incredible.

This was late-stage Alzheimer's — all but impossible to treat.

But in three months' time, the disease was not just stopped, but reversed. And their memories were restored.

All with zero toxicity or side effects.

Mainstream scientists will tell you this can't happen.

But the results speak for themselves — in one of the top peer-reviewed journals on the disease, no less.

The next study took it even further though...

It Reversed Aging, Too!

The Salk researchers split their mice into three groups. They aged two of them. And kept one younger.

They treated the one old group (the control) and compared them to the others.

What happened next was incredible...

These mice re-gained their memory and thought sharper and smarter. They moved around freely and agile like the young group. Tests showed few signs of Alzheimer's in their brain.

What's more, tests found their gene expression and metabolism was very similar to the young mice.

These included markers for increased energy metabolism, reduced brain inflammation and reduced levels of oxidized fatty acids in the brain.

Another incredible effect was that their blood vessels were perfectly normal and healthy.
Damaged blood vessels are a common feature of aging in general. And in Alzheimer's, it's much worse.

But their blood vessels were perfectly normal and healthy, just like the young mice.

The researchers were absolutely stunned.

"We did not predict we'd see this sort of anti-aging effect," says amazed lead author Dr. Antonio Currais. "But it made old mice look like they were young."

So you'd think this kind of treatment would be accelerated to market in no time, right?

Big Pharma Stonewalls Biggest Alzheimer's Breakthrough Ever Developed

Well, these researchers learned a hard lesson that when you uncover a highly effective cure for Alzheimer's and aging...

...One that costs $1 and with no side effects...

You get nothing in return but the cold shoulder from Big Pharma.

The cost of running FDA clinical trials is staggering — into the hundreds of millions.

The Salk Institute scientists went around to pharmaceutical sales reps — showing them the results... and begging for their support for the world's biggest ever Alzheimer's breakthrough.

The problem is, the $1 pill targets all the toxicities that lead to the development of Alzheimer's — instead of just one.

So besides being unprofitable — it would render the dozens of (ineffective) drugs that Big Pharma is developing for Alzheimer's obsolete.

Needless to say, the big drug company reps refused to fund the trials — which cost $1.5 million just to start.

If that doesn't get your blood boiling, I don't know what will.

Here we have the MOST promising treatment for one of mankind's worst diseases...

A disease afflicting 5.1 million seniors... and rapidly growing.

And Big Pharma hangs up the phone.

All for $1.5 million of funding — literally 0.000000001% of their annual sales.

Profits trump life, health, and happiness in this so-called "health care system."
Happy Seniors

But here's the thing...

To begin taking advantage of the biggest health discovery ever made...

You DON'T need to wait for FDA approval.

And you DON'T need a prescription or doctor's visit.

The drug companies make you think they can control your health and life. But they don't.

You have the power to make your body free of disease... forever.

You just need to know where to look.

That's why I've assembled all the details on this remarkable disease-ending breakthrough.

Everything you need to make this the biggest health change of your life.
I'm talking about...

checkmarkA longer, healthier life;
checkmark"Sharp as a tack" thinking and memory recollection;
checkmarkEasy, comfortable, pain-free mobility;
checkmarkCrystal-clear eyesight;
checkmarkA happier, calmer mindset — free from stress, anxiety, and worry;
checkmarkHealthy blood sugar levels;
checkmarkHealthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels;
checkmarkEasy, smooth, hassle-free digestion;
checkmarkHealthy kidneys, liver, and lungs;
checkmarkA slim, fit figure;
checkmarkA younger, stronger heart;
checkmarkA "tumor proof" immune system;
checkmarkAnd much, much more.

Remember, there are over 619 proven health benefits of this tiny pill!

To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
Al Sears, MD, CNS

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

For Healthy Supplements: http://www.PrimalForce.net/catalog