Telomere - Wikipedia

Google: lengthen telomeres naturally Telomere - Wikipedia Telomeres are repetitive nucleotide sequences located at the termini of l...

Foods That Lengthen Telomeres

The study, published this month in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, is the latest to signal that the foods we eat or don't eat can affect the length of telomeres, which are a marker of biological aging. Nutrition expert Joseph Mercola, MD, has reviewed evidence that certain nutrients are able to support the small caps that protect chromosomes and help them age more slowly and be more resistant to disease. Although legumes are a plant food group, they do not contribute to telomere length preservation. Sources: 1, 3, 4
Other new research suggests that fruits that contain high levels of antioxidants and other vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, in addition to folate, provide protection against oxidative stress associated with damaged or shortened telomere length, and may help us age more slowly. These foods not only protect our telomeres, but ongoing research shows that nutrients that help to prolong them also give us more energy and strengthen our immune systems in general. Antioxidants - rich foods are better for us than those that cannot be supplemented by a poor diet, and these supplements are helpful in improving telomerase length. Sources: 6, 7, 8
Trying to replace telomeres - shortening food by alternatives that lengthen telomeres? Choose foods with antioxidants that improve oxidative defenses, such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and whole grains. These slow down the growth of telomerase, the enzyme responsible for the formation of shortened telomeres. This can help prevent or reduce cell damage, slow ageing and help prevent cancer and heart disease. Sources: 10, 14, 17
Although the benefits of a plant-based diet such as fruit and vegetables are still lacking, numerous studies have shown that eating more fruit, vegetables and whole grains, as well as nuts and seeds, can protect telomeres from shrinking. Sources: 17
It has also been suggested that a low-fat, plant-based diet stimulates the production of telomerase enzymes, proteins responsible for adding length to telomeres. Vitamins C and E may limit the effects of long-term exposure to high fructose corn syrup on shortening telitral length. Scientists have found that B vitamins and folate play an important role in maintaining DNA integrity and DNA methylation, as well as in their repair. Sources: 1, 2, 4
In addition to nutritional therapy, lifestyle adjustments can be made that also increase the length of telomeres, which reduces physical age and is likely to enable us to live longer. By providing our cells with food that affects telomere length by methylating agents, we can help to prolong telomeres that correlate with life expectancy. Sources: 9, 14
If you are not already aware of the benefits of promoting a plant-based diet and supplementing it, add to the list the link between longer telomeres and better aging. So what supplements should you take to extend your telomere as the next step in your relationship between food, diet and stress? Read on to learn more about the best supplements to extend your telomeres and what you want to do next in the fight against aging and its impact on your health. Sources: 9, 11, 13
While several factors contribute to an accelerated shortening of telomeres, this review focused on nutritional factors that contribute to telomerase length, with a particular focus on the role of diet in the development of cellular aging. These reports suggest that a diet high in fruits and vegetables and limited to animal products can reduce systemic inflammation associated with cardiovascular disease and reverse the age of blood vessels. Based on this knowledge, dietary guidelines could be established for populations that eat a healthier diet while reducing the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's disease, as well as non-communicable diseases related to cell age, aging and telomere shortening. Sources: 5, 15
In addition, taking multivitamins and supplements to bridge the gap between the foods you eat and what your body needs can lead to an extension of your telomeres. Telomere length is so important that it has been formulated and recommended by doctors to give clues to the cellular diet that most directly affects the health of our telomeres, without harmful side effects such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Sources: 9, 10
Studies have shown that a diet rich in red meat reduces the length of leukocyte telomeres in all dietary data received. In addition, antioxidants, which are found in fruits, vegetables, nuts and legumes and counteract metabolic damage, also seem to protect our telomeres. A study found that plant proteins such as fruits and vegetables and processed meat with added sugar are responsible for a significant extension of the telomere length of leukocytes and a reduction of their length. Sources: 0, 12, 16
Interestingly, telomeres can be damaged even during the aging process, and the shorter they become, the less protection they offer against chromosomes. Telomeres recover some of their lost length by using telomerase, an enzyme that rebuilds the teliter sections that are lost over time. Recent studies have shown that increasing teloomerase activity in cells can increase telomere length, improve function and improve cell lifespan. By targeting the pause signal, which prevents a restart of DNA repetition synthesis, the enzymatic function of telomerases is overloaded to ward off the reduction in telomere length by rejuvenating aging human adult stem cells. 

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