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Dear Health Conscious Reader, "What Is Stem Cell Therapy?"

By Al Sears MD

Dear Health Conscious Reader:

We've known for years that platelets are the part of your blood that's responsible for clotting. But we're only beginning to learn about their powerful rejuvenating power and their potential to heal.
Platelets are your body's "first responders." They initiate a cascade of healing that's 10 times more powerful than any drug available today.
In fact, it'll be centuries before Big Pharma will be able to come up with a drug that can come close to doing what platelets can do.
Platelets work in two ways. First, they contain hundreds of growth factors. These proteins are critical for wound healing. And they regenerate injured or aging tissues and organs.1
Platelets also attract stem cells to damaged or aging tissue. Once they get there, the stem cells multiply rapidly. Then they morph into whatever cells we need to repair damage.
Today, we know that a therapy called platelet-rich plasma — or PRP — has the potential to reverse just about every disease of aging. That includes cancer, heart disease, diabetes, blindness, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. 
I'll tell you more about the procedure in a minute. But first I want to show you just how powerful it is at rejuvenating tissue…
Earlier this year, a group of doctors in Greece used PRP to restore fertility in menopausal women. They injected platelets right into the women's ovaries.
Afterward, the ovaries were able to release fertile eggs again.2
You see, the growth factors and stem cells from the platelets regenerated the ovaries.
But PRP doesn't just restore fertility. It can reverse menopause symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. It can undo hormonal changes that make the heart, skin and bones more vulnerable to aging and disease.
PRP is also a life-saver for many people suffering from debilitating spine, neck and joint pain. Studies show it's effective for arthritis… inflamed tendons… torn muscles… injured ligaments… knee osteoarthritis... and damaged joint cartilage.
PRP is a simple procedure. I use it in my own practice at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine. I draw a small amount of your blood and run it through a centrifuge. The machine separates out red blood cells. It leaves behind plasma with a very high concentration of platelets. The plasma is then re-injected into the body where you need it.
I use PRP to help my patients:
  • relieve back and joint pain and restore joint function;
  • boost their immune system;
  • heal from surgery;
  • and more.
One patient, W.B., recently had PRP. A lifetime of playing tennis and soccer had taken a toll on his knees. He had arthroscopic surgeries in 1990 and again in 1995. But he still had limited range of motion.
"I felt like I needed to be lubricated," W.B. told me. "I was creaking." He decided to try PRP.
After the procedure, he said he felt like a "well-oiled machine. I was able to walk more in one day than I'd been able to walk in a week."
It's been a few weeks since W.B.'s procedure. At his last follow-up appointment, he says he's been out working in his yard and around his house nearly every day. He's also been mowing his lawn, clearing his garage, and trimming the trees around his home with a huge pole saw.
Things he couldn't do before undergoing PRP therapy.
I also use PRP as a cosmetic treatment. It's a powerhouse for reviving old, tired skin. That's because injecting PRP in the face and neck stimulates the growth of new collagen.3
It also reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and lifts sagging around the mouth, cheeks and eyes. PRP can also brighten your skin tone and firm up your skin for a more youthful look.
PRP treatments are fast and relatively painless. The whole process takes only about 15 minutes. You don't lose any time from work or your daily routine. You may get a little mild swelling, redness, or bruising but it fades within one to three days.
It takes about three to four weeks after a PRP session to see the full effects. You'll also continue to improve with time.
If you're interested in learning more about this new anti-aging therapy, please call 561-784-7852. My staff at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine will be happy to answer all your questions. You can also visit www.searsinstitute.com.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
Al Sears, MD, CNS
1. Bennett NT, Schultz GS. "Growth factors and wound healing: biochemical properties of growth factors and their receptors." Am J Surg. 1993;165:728–737.
2. Jessica Hamzelou "Menopause reversal restores periods and produces fertile eggs." New Scientist July 20, 2016 (Retrieved 10/5/16).
3. Shin MK et al. "Platelet-rich plasma combined with fractional laser therapy for skin rejuvenation." Dermatol Surg. 2012;38(4):623-30.

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