Telomere - Wikipedia

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Showing posts with label telomeres telomerase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label telomeres telomerase. Show all posts

Support Telomere Length

The results confirm and expand previous work on the genetics of telomere length, while acknowledging that the effect of lithium may be limited to a small number of cells in the human body, rather than the entire body. Although ageing is a complex process, we have found a clear - and well-defined - biomarker of ageing at the cellular level: the length of telomerase, the protective layer of the cell. While researchers are linking aging and disease, the breed is in the process of understanding the factors that determine the length of the teloreceptor. We note that our results provide the first direct evidence of the role of lithium in aging, which has been poorly understood at both cellular and molecular levels. Sources: 7, 9, 14, 16
In our study, current family and social support had a positive relationship with telomere length, but unsurprisingly not against the historical burden of childhood stress. However, this small study provides a good basis for recent research on the role of stress in the development of teloreceptors and the effects of lithium on telomerase. Alternatively, social support may play a protective role by buffering the effects of stress on telomere length, which shortens the rate of cell replication, and mitigating the negative effects of stress on telomeres. Sources: 5, 8
Understanding how telomere length is regulated is crucial to realizing the potential benefits of lithium in the development of teloreceptors and other cell types, "Rivera said. We focus on the role of stress and social support in supporting telitere structure and function in human health. Sources: 11, 14
On the surface, it seems desirable to strike a balance between maintaining and increasing telomere length and telomerase activity. Since telomeres can shorten in the context of aging and be maintained and prolonged by telomerase, it is logical that interventions modulating the telomerasing duo of teloreceptors represent a chance to prevent, delay, or minimize the degenerative diseases associated with age. Sources: 6, 11
However, it is unwise to say that increasing telomere length by pharmacological or nutraceutical means is advisable, as it can cause undesirable side effects. Sources: 6
Matt Kaeberlein, who studies the molecular basis of aging at the University of Washington, says: "By measuring telomere length in the blood, we are actually reporting a well-functioning immune stem cell. When we measure the length of a single cell, such as a blood stem cell, we need to think about how much work the stem cell does and how often it is supported by a particular tissue. Sources: 1, 2
Analysis of telomere structure, function and biology will be crucial to clarify the role of lithium in maintaining telomere length and structure. Vitamins C and E can limit the effects of the shortening of telotechnologies, such as those found in blood stem cells, on short- and long-term telomeres. On the other hand, the critical telomerase length can lead to a fusion of the chromosomes by the NHEJ mechanism or to the telomeres uncapping. Future longitudinal studies to assess the effect of lithium on age - the associated disease risk is likely to be based on confirmation that gene transcripts are the primary mediator in lithium tele - will prolong the effects on teloneurons. Sources: 3, 9, 12
Finally, it should be borne in mind that genetic factors only make up a small proportion of the overall effect of lithium on telomere length and structure. It is difficult to interpret the effects of other factors such as age - specific changes in telomerase activity, given the age of each individual. Sources: 3, 6
Although it can take months or years for telomeres to change significantly, the authors write, "we should focus on maintaining healthy habits rather than being obsessed with telomerase activity at a certain point in time or telomere length," they write. It seems to be a matter of time before you stay healthy, not if you get an illness or actually die, but rather when. Sources: 15, 17
Previous laboratory and epidemiological findings support several plausible biological pathways, including changes in cell and immune function [22], and maternal stress during pregnancy is associated with shorter offspring telomeres [23]. However, this work does not cover cellular aging, such as telomerase length, as a marker. Finally, the study did not include an analysis of newborn telomere length, but was conducted in mammals, particularly in humans, which have little or no somatic telomerase production. Sources: 0, 8, 18
The current data show the importance of telomere length as a biomarker of cellular aging in the development of Alzheimer's disease. We are now studying dementia sufferers and seeing how various ways of reducing their stress can improve the biomarkers of ageing, including telomerase length. Sources: 8, 17
The possibility of offering telomere length as part of a genetic test is intriguing, because the genetic material that protects telomeres is protected by telomerase, the enzyme responsible for repairing the chromosomes in the cell. Sources: 13
Comparative genomic work has shown that lithium can moderate the expression of genes that control telomere length, and this may be a mechanism by which lithium prolongs telomeres in patients with bipolar disorder. This novel telomerase loop mechanism implies that progressive teliter shortening can affect cell physiology and age-related diseases, such as aging, as telomeres become incurably short and trigger DNA damage signals. Lifestyle is an important factor in telomyelitis, a disease of the heart, brain and spinal cord, so length could be an important determinant of a patient's long-term wellbeing. It might explain how some of us age more or less than others, with decisions we make every day. 

Cited Sources

Study: Rapamycin has harmful effects when telomeres are short


(Source: Phys.Org News)

The study, done by the Telomeres and Telomerase Group headed by Maria Blasco at the CNIO, is published in Nature Communications with Iole Ferrara-Romeo as the first author.

But it also has clinical implications. Short telomeres are associated with, or are the cause of so-called telomere syndromes, diseases such as , aplastic anaemia, pulmonary and hepatic fibrosis, and other degenerative diseases for which few treatments exist. Blocking the mTOR pathway with rapamycin was considered a possible strategy against these diseases, but the results of the study suggest that it would not work, and could even be harmful.
"In light of all the beneficial effects of inhibition of the mTOR pathway in extending longevity, here, we set to address whether rapamycin treatment could also ameliorate the premature ageing phenotypes and the decreased lifespan of telomerase-deficient mice with short telomeres," the authors write. But, although "in control mice [with normal telomeres] rapamycin extended the lifespan, in mice with short telomeres it reduced it. We did not expect that. These results are of clinical interest for human diseases in which patients have critically short telomeres," explain Maria Blasco and Paula Martínez, authors of the paper.
Telomeres, regions of repetitive nucleotide sequences at the end of chromosomes, preserve the genetic information of the cells. They shorten with age until they can no longer fulfill their function: The cells stop dividing and the tissues age since they are no longer able to regenerate. 

"This discovery indicates that hyper-activation of the mTOR pathway is necessary to compensate for problems arising from having short telomeres," Blasco explains.

Foods That Lengthen Telomeres

By Al Sears MD


In 1984 Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn discovered what may be the single most important anti aging discovery.

The Telomerase Enzyme.

Dr. Blackburn was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for this discovery.
I have personally known about the importance of Telomeres for years, but until recently the only known way to really boost the length of telomeres was an outrageously expensive supplement called T-65, that only the very rich could afford.
I am so excited to report that there are now scientifically proven simple ways that the average person can boost the length of their telomeres, which slows down the aging process.
I found out about these simple protocols through one of my trusted anti aging advisers,
Dr. Al Sears

Dr. Al Sears.

Dr. Sears is considered a pioneer in anti aging medicine. He operates a successful integrative medicine and anti-aging clinic in Florida with over 25,000 patients. He is famous for his cutting-edge therapies that solve some of the most difficult-to-diagnose cases.
Dr. Sears has written 14 books and over 100 reports on health and wellness. He is also the founder and director of the Wellness Research Foundation, a non-profit research organization.
Dr. Sears was the first doctor licensed to administer groundbreaking DNA therapy that activates the gene that regulates telomerase.
After reading his report on how to Activate the Enzyme that Rebuilds Your Telomeres, I realized that this is the reason my husband seems to be growing younger. You can read all about his journey back to health in Cathey’s Immune Boosting Tips.

You may be asking what are Telomeres and why should I care?

Deep inside every cell in your body is a strand of DNA with a “protective tip” similar to the protective tip of a shoelace. This “protective tip” called a telomere controls aging.
Everytime your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter, which causes you to age faster. Once you run out of telomeres, cell division stops and life comes to an end.
The goal then is to keep the telomeres as long as possible therefore slowing down the aging process so that you not only feel younger, you look younger and you may even live longer.

There are simple protocols that will activate, or turn on the Telomerase Enzyme that will “rebuild” your Telomeres.

As I mentioned earlier the supplement TA-65 is one way to “flip the switch” turning on the telomerase enzyme which will lengthen your telomeres. The cost is around $500 per month.


According to new studies this anti-aging nutrient “significantly increases telomerase activity” by “turning on” genes that promote longevity, and “turning off” genes that promote disease.
  • Resveratrol is found in
  • Red Wine
  • Purple Grape Juice
  • Mulberries
  • Raisins
  • Acai (I buy the organic freeze dried acai and put into my morning smoothies every day)
It is very hard to get enough Reserveratrol in your daily diet. (you would have to drink 1,000 glasses or more of red wine daily)
Dr. Sears recommends taking a Resveratrol supplement with around 10mg – 20 mg for optimal telomerase activation.

Green tea
Green Tea (EGCG)

In a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, the telomeres of green tea drinkers were .46 kilobases longer. This is equal to about 5 years of life.
The EGCG in green tea can prevent and repair cell damage and fights the effects of pollution, sunlight and smoking.
Forget the bottled green tea drinks and go for the whole tea leaves sold in specialty tea stores.

N-Acetyl-Cystein (NAC)

NAC is a potent amino acid building block of the body’s master anti-oxidant called glutathione (GSH). NAC activates the telomerase gene, often called the “fountain of youth” gene.
Dr. Sears recommends a dose of 1,800mg – to 2,400 mg a day.
I personally take Pure Encapsulations NAC.
NutsAlpha Tocopherol
This is the most well-known from of vitamin e and will protect against telomere shortening.
Researchers from Finland believe that alpha tocopherol prevents cancer by neutralizing free radicals, protecting cells from oxidation and stopping damaged cells from multiplying.
The best way to get your Vitamin E is from food.
  • Nuts
  • Nut oils
  • Seeds
  • Apples
  • Beef
  • Seafood
  • Avocados
  • Spinach.

  • You can also take 400 IU of Vitamin E with mixed tocopherols.
  • I personally take Pure Encapsulations Ultra-Synergist E.

Carlson TocotrienolsGamma Tocotrienol

One of the four lesser known forms of vitamin E, Gama Tocotrienols can extend telomere length by 16%.
It is next to impossible to get enough tocotrienols from the few foods that contain them Dr. Sears recommends a supplement with at least 20 mg of “mixed tocotrienols”.
I recommend Carlson’s Tocotrienols.


Used to repair tissues and clear away toxins and it helps preserve your telomeres.

Grass fed, pasture raised meat is the best way to get carnosine from food.
If you don’t eat meat, Dr. Sears recommends taking a supplement of L-Carnosine
500 milligrams twice a day instead of all at once.


Increases telomerase activity by stimulating the production of nitric oxide (NO), the molecule that relaxes the blood vessels.
Body builders have been using l-arginine for years. Taken before a workout, it gives them a “muscle pump” by getting more blood and oxygen to their muscles.
Dr. Sears recommends 500mg – 1,000 mg per day.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C

There is now evidence that vitamin c not only prevents loss of telomeres, it also increases telomerase activity in specific stem cells.
Telomeres are very sensitive to oxidation and vitamin C prevents oxidation.
Food sources of vitamin C
  • Citrus fruits
  • Cantaloupe
  • Kiwi
  • Mango
  • Papaya
  • Pineapple
  • Berries
  • Watermelon
Dr. Sears recommends 540 mg per day. (I personally take 1500 mg per day)

sunbath for Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3

Crucial for boosting the immune system, Vitamin D also activates telomerase activity by as much as 19.2%.
One of the best ways to boost Vitamin D3 is to get in the sun at least 15 minutes 3 – 5 times per week.
You can also get Vitamin D from
  • Cod Liver Oil
  • Herring
  • Catfish
  • Salmon, cooked
  • Mackerel, cooked
  • Sardines, canned in oil, drained
  • Tuna, canned in oil

Milk Thislte

Milk Thistle (silymarin extract)

This ancient herb is known for it’s detoxifying benefits. Silymarin triples telomerase activity.
Dr. Sears recommends 200 mg in capsule form twice a day.

Ginkgo Bilboa

Ginko Biloba

Known as a brain booster because it helps open up blood vessels and enhance circulation and oxygen levels. Ginkgo Biloba extract also significantly increased telomerase activity.
Dr. Sears recommends taking 40mg -80mg for 4-6 weeks then stopping for 4-6 weeks, then starting up again. If you take Ginkgo Biloba continuously it loses it’s effectiveness.
Folic Acid
Stimulates the activation of telomerase.
  • Food sources include
  • Black eyed peas
  • Lentils
  • Spinach (raw)
  • Asparagus
  • Lettuce
  • Avocade
  • Broccoli
  • Tropical Fruits
  • Oranges
  • Wheat Bread

Acetyl L-Carnitine

This amino acid is a brain booster as well as an activator of the human telomerase gene.
  • Food sources include
  • Beef steak
  • Ground Beef
  • Pork
  • Bacon.

There you have it, some simple ways to boost your telomerase activity.

I don’t believe you need to run out and buy all the supplements. My advice is to be more conscious of the telomere boosting foods and include them more often in your diet.