Telomere - Wikipedia

Google: lengthen telomeres naturally Telomere - Wikipedia Telomeres are repetitive nucleotide sequences located at the termini of l...

Telomerase Activators that can be Separately Enhanced by Various Nutraceuticals.

One meaning that there is still so considerable uncertainty in anti-aging medicine is that we can’t do experiments on humans the way we do on mice. So we are thankful for a scarce human guinea piglet who put their own bodies on the line as early adopters. 

There is the Caloric regulation Society, people who are moving weight in the hope of gaining years. There is an on-line community of people experimenting with Buckyballs in olive oil (this may sound like a joke if you haven’t read about it before). And then there is Jim fresh of Wichita, KS. Since 2007, Jim has been fulfiling experimental tactics and claims to have set his body clock back by fifteen to twenty years already. The core of his test is telomerase activation herbs, particularly astragalus, carried in plenty larger quantities than the label recommends. Jim has quite a story to tell, and this week I have interviewed him, an exclusive for ScienceBlog. (You check read elder about Jim’s work here and his anti-aging program here.) 

What gave you the idea that growing younger was possible? corresponding to the telomere position effect data I saw early on back in 2007, telomere length impacts young gene expression, and gene expression is elder youthful the longer the telomeres are. 

Furthermore, since 1998 it has been appreciated that senescent cubicle can often be restored to the young phenotype by transfecting them with a virus that improves hTERT transcription and boosts levels of telomerasee in the cell. In 1998, Michael Fossel revealed an publication on this in the Journal of Anti-Aging Medicine (now Rejuvenation Research). [ Another Fossel publication -JJM] So there were definite grounds for optimism that lengthening telomeres with telomerase could result in rejuvenation transformations. 

On the other hand, as telomeres won shorter, patterns of gene expression became senior elderly and the likelihood of the onset of diseases of old age increased, according to many scientific studies. For instance, microglial cubicle in the brain that clean up amyloid beta plaque beating Alzheimer’s disease fail when they become senescent. If senescence in the microglial cells (derived from hematopoietic stem cells) could be prevented, then Alzheimer’s disease overdue to the onset of senility might also be prevented. 

Similarly, when the organizing of the vascular endothelium becomes senescent, it becomes elder adhesive to monocytes and more likely to develop atherosclerotic plaque leading to attacks or strokes. So admitting little molecule telomerase activators efficacious at increasing the telomere length of components of the blood was a very good bet for effective life extension. 

Similarly, when dermal fibroblasts go senescent, they break to attack the extracellular matrix, producing wrinkles. This does not occur at once to all of the fibroblasts, but gradually in a path that produces senior and more defects in the extracellular matrix behind wrinkles. Thus a telomerase activator effective on dermal fibroblasts should prevent observable signs of old age such as wrinkles. 

When did you move your program? What was your program in the beginning? I moved taking telomerase activators on May 1, 2007, after reading material on TA-65 from TA Sciences. I also had an exchange with Greta Blackburn of TA Sciences in which she emailed me promising results obtained by using TA-41, an astragalus extract which they believed would be similar in effect to TA-65. At first I awaited to be capable to set back my telomere clock by up to eight or 9 years per year, but subsequently revised this to about 5.1 years per year. The astragalus extract actually finally turned out to work rather better, in fact, than TA-65.

I was also reading Life Extension Magazine since 2004, so I was familiar with supplements recommended by LEF to prevent diseases of old age, such as acetyl L-carnitine with alpha lipoic acid for mitochondria, L-arginine as a nitric oxide booster for rejuvenating the vascular endothelium, anticancer supplements such as garlic and ginger and turmeric, and so forth. 

At first I stole astragalus decoction such a Solaray Astragalus Extract, and tried GAIA Herbs astragalus extracts. Later, I won the belief of using colostrum skin creams for telomerase activation. However I seem to have used astragalus distillate both orally and on my skin in the beginning. This was responded for two weeks before switching to a telomerase-inhibiting anticancer phase of treatment for the next two weeks, when I took medicine like curcumin, which is anticancer. 

If my telomerase activators related at all to encourage cancer, I was going to squelch that every month. November 2009 I contributed a brief synopsis of my program here For two 1/2 years, I had depended primarily on astragalus milk for telomerase activation. However, I also won five grams of arginine per date to improve my nitric oxide levels and improve the length of endothelial progenitor cell telomeres. By June of 2009 I speculated after effort of Vida Institute literature that thirty-three grams/ date of astragalus root would serve as well or better than the five mg/ date of astragalosides from astragalus extract that I called I was taking. 

So I replaced from true astragalus milk like TA-41, which worked fine according to Greta Blackburn at TA Sciences, to astragalus root in capsules from NOW FOODS . However, I was still applying astragalus extract directly to my scalp. [Editor’s note: Astragalus is a woody root which check be found in Chinese groceries for about $10/lb. conventional usage would be to boil strips of astraglus to make a tea. -JJM ] 

What is your complement regimen at present? Is it still evolving? I have stayed a temporary synopsis of my present program and photo news here. It is still evolving, and by now I have one hundred and seventy-three note at minimal on my list of telomerase activators that I am exploring. The numbers of the activators chronicle the order in which I found them in the literature, or were tipped off to them by other investigators, except for sub-items, which I have sometimes found more frequently. I have sustained a four-week cycle featuring telomerase activators for two weeks followed by anticancer telomerase inhibitors for two weeks. I do bread that permit cells to retrieve from the senescent state that are a tiny unusual now: I usage folic acid in my colostrum solution with an amphipathic alcohol to restore absorption (rubbing alcohol = isopropyl alcohol). [ Isopropyl alcohol is moderately toxic. – JJM] 

I take carrots and exercise to inhibit P16INK4A, which can stop senescent cell recovery. I have various belief about medicine I would like to include, such as tocotrienol-rich fraction. These are chemical cousins of vitamin E derived from grains -JJM ] 

For bodybuilding, I accept whey protein and creatine monohydrate, although I am not attempting a championship program. I can more easily resemble a gymnast. Besides supplements, what are you doing to stay young? use restores circulation in the brain, elevates nitric oxide levels that dialate vessels, and provides innumerable growth factor telomerase activators that can be separately enhanced by various nutraceuticals. So I job out with weights, about six sets per muscle, applying a split routine that takes three or four days. This might be harmful to a count with too considerable atherosclerotic plaque, or someone with glycation stiffening in the veinous system from high levels of sugar from ice cream. However, it tends to lower triglycerides and improve the lipid profile, and also to improve confidence and mood. I take a slice of Swiss cheese often to get a higher vitamin K2 level to avoid calcification of the arterial system and aortic stenosis. 

In what ways do you feel younger than 7 years ago? May 2007 was my starting date, and we are now approaching May 2014. I would say that my player has improved that we can finally master aging, although there is still a fair amount of suspense involved. My tangible consideration vacillates somewhat, and is subject to minor perturbations. I project to get lanky in the Spring, like most people, and my self-image restores then. I see better in photographs, although I invariably balloon up a bit in the Winter. In the Summer I check do pull-ups on outside chinning bars, and I get senior V-shaped. In general, I seem to look somewhat better to myself in picture an I did seven years ago. 

Last Summer I did 130 pushups, which was an all-time record for me. I am hoping that it will go back up to that this summer. I note you repay attention to appearance as well as health. 

Do you suppose there’s a communication between anti-aging skin treatments and longevity? Or a psychological effect whereby looking younger helps you to feel younger and programs your mind to live longer? I could skirt better to improve my appearance, but my funds vanish into supplements. pucker are definitely symptomatic of the formation of senescent cells which break to excrete factors that attack the extracellular matrix and weaken it. A fragile extracellular matrix head to more than cosmetic problems, eventually, and less resistance available to UV radiation from the sun. 

So continuing the husk healthful and young is very important for survival as well as for image. husk cancer kills. Thin skin and failing veil cells around veins can produce bleeding, finally, perhaps even dangerous internal bleeding. Of course, looking younger creates a sense of optimism about what may be possible, and helps reinforce a positive attitude. 

What evidence do you have that your body is really younger? Unfortunately, I was helpless to do diameter of my blood component telomere lengths because of funds could not be mobilized in time. Therefore, about all I have is my contribution of photographs online. There are countless gauge of impairing and senescence that may be applied to the problem of measuring the effect when funds are available. 

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