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Google: lengthen telomeres naturally Telomere - Wikipedia Telomeres are repetitive nucleotide sequences located at the termini of l...

How You Can Slow the Shortening of Your Telomeres and Even Lengthen Them

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Dear Health Conscious Reader,
Everyone loves a happy ending. In books, at the movies, and especially in real life. You root for the guy to get the girl, you want Lassie to come home, and you want Tiny Tim to get better.
And more importantly, you want your Aunt Joanie to walk again.
Good news…
Thanks to the latest breakthroughs in anti-aging treatments, I'm excited to tell you I've got nothing but happy endings like these to report!
These miraculous medical developments have:
  • Regrown body parts after gangrene had already set in…
  • Restored a crippled animal's ability to walk again…
  • Helped War heroes overcome life-threatening injuries…
  • And so much more
Discover these and more happy endings below.
To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS
When a plane crash left Juan Carlos Murillo paralyzed…
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Proving them wrong… Doctors said Juan would never walk again.
His Doctors Said He'd
Never Walk Again!
But today, Juan is walking, flying airplanes and even racing off-road. Now you can use this breakthrough that saved Juan to live a longer, healthier life… add 20 or 30 vibrant years to your life… and help you beat the most debilitating diseases of aging.
As his plane lost altitude and careened toward a mountainside, Juan Carlos Murillo was sure he was dead.
Few people survive small plane crashes... and he had no reason to believe he'd be one of those rare exceptions.
The last thing Juan remembers is seeing the mountain coming at him at more than 200 miles an hour. And then everything went black.
Some time later, Juan awakened, trapped in the smoldering wreckage of his plane, but miraculously still alive.
But even as Juan silently celebrated his survival, he was filled with terror as he realized he couldn't move his legs.
His doctors later told him he had broken his back in four places and would never walk again. He'd have to get used to the idea of living his life in a wheelchair.
Yet a few months later, Juan was out of his wheelchair and back on his feet. Walking without help... without crutches... and without pain.
And before long, he was back to flying planes and racing off-road. A modern medical miracle had given him his life back.
The audience stood up and cheered again and again
When the sold-out audience at my recent Palm Beach Anti-Aging Summit heard Juan's story, and saw video of him walking under his own power, they broke out in spontaneous cheers.
And over the course of our two days together, the audience cheered again and again, as they heard story after story of real-life "miracles" the breakthroughs in anti-aging medicine are working right now. For example...
• War heroes get their lives back. Barry, Jeff and Patt all suffered traumatic brain injuries in combat. Those injuries left Barry angry, depressed and suicidal. Jeff was unable to care for himself or even to find his way home if he went out. Patt couldn't even remember how to pump gas or carry on a conversation.
Sadly, their doctors had no answers... and they and their families suffered the devastating consequences.
Yet now, thanks to another of the breakthroughs revealed at the Palm Beach Anti-Aging Summit, these heroes have their lives back. Their brains are back to normal. They're working. They're enjoying life. And the confusion, anger and depression are gone.
• 93-year-old cancels hip replacement surgery: Then there's Jack — 93 years old, living in severe pain and desperately in need of hip replacement surgery.
However, because of heart and kidney failure, he was too weak for surgery. Trapped in a wheelchair, he had simply given up on life.
Then, three months later, a miracle. Jack was out of his wheelchair and walking without pain. His hip was completely healed without surgery... and his kidney and heart failure were simply gone.
And today, at age 97, Jack is doing great. And it's all thanks to a breakthrough revealed at my Summit.
• 20-year-old's lost finger begins growing back! The audience was also stunned when they heard about Connor, a young man who lost the tips of several fingers in a motorcycle chain.
Despite his doctors' best efforts, gangrene set in, and they prepared to amputate even more.
But then, the fingers healed... and one of them even began to grow back! Another miracle... another round of applause.
• A dog nearly crippled by arthritis now climbs stairs. One of our speakers introduced our audience to Killian, a sweet little dog crippled by arthritis. Killian couldn't run or jump or play. And it was heartbreaking to watch on video as he dragged himself up a flight of stairs.
Yet just a few months later, Killian is running around and climbing stairs. You'd almost think he's a puppy again.
And again, it's all thanks to one of the breakthroughs revealed at the Palm Beach Anti-Aging Summit.
Let My Anti-Aging Dream Team Reveal
How You Can Use These Breakthroughs to
Live a Longer, Healthier and More Enjoyable Life
With stories like these, is it any wonder the audience stood up and cheered again and again? After all, they got to see miracles like these with their own two eyes. And they heard directly from the doctors and scientists who helped make these patients whole again.
And these stories are only a small sampling of the dozens told by 11 of the world's top anti-aging doctors and scientists who gathered at my Palm Beach Anti-Aging Summit.
I hand-picked each member of this anti-aging "dream team" because of their stellar contributions to anti-aging medicine... the success they've had with their own patients... and the practical, actionable advice they have to offer.
Now Available on DVD, So You Can Take In
Every Breakthrough in the Comfort of Your Home
The Palm Beach Anti-Aging Summit was held at the exclusive Mar-a-Lago Club, a member-only resort on exotic Palm Beach Island. Two hundred and sixty-eight people from all over the world — including England, Malaysia, Ghana and Lebanon — paid up to $500 to attend.
We even had to turn people away because we underestimated demand for this event, and quickly reached maximum capacity.
Fortunately, I caught the whole event on video. Every miraculous story. Every amazing breakthrough. And every bit of life-changing advice.
Listen: If you want to erase your worries about cancer or heart disease... or about suffering another stroke or heart attack...
...if you want to put arthritis, osteoporosis and the pain they bring behind you for good...
...if you want to eliminate your fear of dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's...
...and if you want to live an active, energetic life that keeps you far, far away from the dreaded nursing home...
...then you need to get your hands on these DVDs, so you can see for yourself the miraculous difference these breakthroughs will bring to your life and your health.
My team will bring you the latest on three critical anti-aging breakthroughs that you can take advantage of now to live a longer, healthier life. And it all starts with...
Anti-Aging Breakthrough #1:
The Hushed-Up Cure for All Disease
Remember Juan Carlos Murillo, the paralyzed young man whose story I shared a moment ago?
His healing began when he took advantage of the first of three anti-aging breakthroughs revealed at the Palm Beach Anti-Aging Summit.
It's a treatment that unleashed the astonishing healing power of Juan's own body to completely heal his shattered spinal cord, so he could get back on his feet again.
And that same treatment can unleash your body's healing power, as well, to cure you of just about any disease, illness or health problem you're dealing with.
• Worried about cancer? Dr. Dipnarine Maharaj, MD stunned the crowd when he revealed how this treatment brought long-term survival to 60% of terminal cancer patients by restoring their damaged immune systems!
• Heart failure on your mind? Remember Jack, the 93-year-old in need of hip replacement surgery. Well, not only did this treatment restore his hip, it cured him of heart failure. And it holds hope for any number of heart problems.
• Suffering from never-ending back pain? Dr. Charles Theofilos, MD revealed how 92% of patients lined up for back surgery used this treatment to get fast and permanent relief from debilitating pain. No surgery required.
• Tired of joint pain and all the painkillers you take to deal with it? This same treatment cured Killian, the dog I told you about earlier, of crippling arthritis. And recent studies show it works in humans, too, bringing almost miraculous results for those with osteoarthritis. And it rejuvenates damaged joints, too!
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• Terrified that peripheral neuropathy might take one of your legs? Kristin Comella, the Chief Scientific Officer of Bioheart, shared astounding photos of a diabetes patient with open wounds on his foot that failed to heal.
Scheduled for amputation, he tried this treatment instead. Sixty days later, blood flow had been restored and his wounds had completely healed. This treatment saves 75% of patients treated from amputation.
• New hope for autism! Dr. Neil Riordan shared astonishing results from a study that used this breakthrough to take individuals suffering from severe autism to not even being diagnosable with the condition.
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• Put plastic surgeons out of business! Take a look at the photo to the right. Just one treatment restored this man's youthful glow and made him look 10 or 20 years younger without surgery... without Botox.
The changes you see in this man's face are the kinds of youthful changes this treatment brings to your body, beneath the surface.
A Healing Miracle for Any Number
of "Incurable" Diseases
I've only scratched the surface when it comes to how this breakthrough treatment can help you fight off all manner of disease.
Today, more than 2,000 clinical trials are testing for its effectiveness in treating heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, stroke, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, cancer and virtually every other disease or health problem you can imagine.
It's on the verge of replacing surgery for many orthopedic problems, including arthritis, inflamed tendons, torn muscles, injured ligaments, and damaged joint cartilage.
In other words, your body will do the work a surgeon once did. Imagine...
No more dangerous surgery. No post-surgical pain. And no long recovery.
Bottom line: We are in the early stages of a stunning revolution that will rock — and perhaps even bring down — the Medical Establishment's billion-dollar drug and surgery empire. No wonder they're working so hard to keep it under wraps.
Here's more of what you'll discover...
  • The secret to regenerating your own stem cells. How scientists can bring them back to life.
  • Not all stem cells are created equal. What you need to know about the six types... how they work... and which one is best for you.
  • What every family needs to know about stem cell banking. How your children and grandchildren can store their healthy stem cells now for use decades from now when they need them.
  • Are stem cell transplants a cure for cancer? How cancer-resistant donors are bringing new hope to cancer victims in new studies.
  • How Chinese acupuncture stimulates your stem cells. Scientists finally know why it works.
  • How to know when you're NOT a candidate for stem cell treatment. Three clear cases.
  • Do-it-yourself stem cell therapy. A powerful blend of herbs, vitamins, and minerals that help awaken your body's stem cells.
  • Common mistakes that damage your stem cells and accelerate your aging. And how to avoid them.
As you can see, the DVD recordings of the Palm Beach Anti-Aging Summit will bring you everything you need to know to take full advantage of the astonishing stem cell breakthroughs. And it's just the first breakthrough you'll discover.
Anti-Aging Breakthrough #2:
The Forbidden Oxygen Cure
Remember the war heroes I mentioned earlier in this letter? All three suffered traumatic brain injuries while serving in Iraq or Afghanistan.
And each of them returned to the United States suffering from uncontrolled rage, memory loss and severe anxiety and depression.
As a result, they couldn't get along with others, were unable to perform even the most routine tasks and did constant battle with suicidal thoughts.
In short, they were broken and tormented... their lives in ruins.
Yet years later, all three are completely healed and off their medications. They are fully functional, and every symptom of their brain injuries is gone for good.
That's the healing power of the second anti-aging breakthrough revealed at the Palm Beach Anti-Aging Summit.
It's called Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). And I invited my friend Ray Crallé, RPT, the world's leading expert on HBOT, to reveal how you can use this breakthrough to improve your own health and lengthen your own life.
So far Ray has used HBOT to treat 40 war veterans suffering from brain injuries. All on a pro bono basis. And all with complete success. And for that, Ray received a well-deserved ovation.
Even More Miracles for Your Brain
HBOT's remarkable healing power has come to the attention of multiple NFL players, who now sleep in hyperbaric chambers. And they find themselves healing much faster after games. More importantly, they're hoping to heal the damage done by multiple concussions suffered while playing football.
One of the most outspoken is former New York Jets star Joe Namath. Namath, who only recently discovered HBOT's healing power, reports that the treatment has reversed the damage done by brain injuries he suffered during his NFL career.1
Scans even show that it has restored blood flow to parts of his brain where none had been previously detected.
These successes with veterans and NFL players give new hope that HBOT might be able to help brain disorders of all kinds, including Alzheimer's, manic depression and more.
But HBOT is good for far more than reversing the damage done by brain injuries and strokes. It's well documented that HBOT is effective at treating severe burns, carbon monoxide poisoning, infections and crushing injuries.2
And while the Medical Establishment fights tooth and nail to stop so-called "off-label" use of HBOT, Ray Crallé and his colleagues are also getting amazing results for people suffering from:
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Migraine headaches
  • Diabetes
  • And even cancer!
Four Ways HBOT Brings You Health and Healing
The therapy itself is actually quite simple. You simply lie down in a pressurized enclosure called a hyperbaric chamber, and inhale 100% oxygen. The chamber is similar to those used to treat scuba divers for decompression sickness (the bends).
And when you deliver pressurized oxygen to your body in this way, it's absorbed into your blood and your tissues in massive quantities. These huge doses of oxygen...
  • Trigger the release of your own stem cells. As you know, stem cells power up your immune system and ignite your body's natural healing power. And a study at the University of Pennsylvania confirms that HBOT gets them going again.
  • Snuff out the fire of inflammation. Oxygen is the last thing you want to throw on an actual burning fire. However, when it comes the inferno of inflammation raging in your body, oxygen is its mortal enemy. And when oxygen puts that fire out, it also puts out the inflammatory diseases that drag you down.
  • Suffocate deadly diseases. Cancer and many other diseases can only thrive in a low-oxygen environment. Flooding your body with oxygen makes the environment inhospitable for them and brings healing.
  • Encourage the regeneration of tissues, blood vessels and nerves. Oxygen has long been known for its remarkable regenerative ability.
You'll also discover...
  • How you can take advantage of HBOT. And what to expect when you do.
  • Common dietary mistake that triggers inflammation in your body. It has nothing to do with what you eat, but it's making you older and sicker just the same.
  • Two simple ways to turn off the genes that fire up inflammation in your body. You grow younger and healthier automatically.
  • How stress triggers low-grade inflammation. And what you can do about it.
  • Wipe out the inflammasomes behind Alzheimer's, gout and heart disease. With the healing power of HBOT.
We're just beginning to understand the healing power of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. But we're still miles ahead of the Medical Establishment. And with the DVDs of the Palm Beach Anti-Aging Summit in hand, you will be, too.
Anti-Aging Breakthrough #3:
How to Turn On the Fountain of Youth
Hiding Inside Your Cells
You hold the Fountain of Youth inside your own body — and you can now switch it on at any time.
The secret, of course, lies in your telomeres. These little strands of DNA help protect your chromosomes from damage. And research shows that the longer your telomeres, the longer your life. And the healthier and more energetic you'll be as well.
Unfortunately, your telomeres get shorter with every passing year. And the shorter they get, the older you look and feel. And the quicker your mind and body begin to deteriorate.
As you get older, your telomeres get damaged, frayed and shortened. However, restoring them to full health ignites the fountain of youth inside you.
As you get older, your telomeres get damaged, frayed and shortened. However, restoring them to full health ignites the fountain of youth inside you.
Worse yet, shortened telomeres make you more vulnerable to cancer, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer's and virtually every other disease associated with aging.
And if one of those diseases doesn't get you, you'll die of old age when your telomeres get too short to sustain life.
In fact, researchers discovered that when they shortened the telomeres of young, healthy mice, they triggered many of the problems we associate with growing older.
Can We Go Beyond the Maximum Lifespan?
This process of telomere shortening likely explains why the maximum human lifespan is around 125. Apparently, even if you have the best genes and live the healthiest lifestyle possible, in the end, you can't beat the relentless shortening of your telomeres.
But imagine if you could dramatically slow the shortening of your telomeres... or perhaps even lengthen them. No, that probably won't let you live forever... but it sure would make your older years a lot more pleasant.
You'd be more likely to dodge all those debilitating diseases. You'd have more energy and feel better. You'd look better, too. And you'd live longer.
Take my patient, Patrick. He was in his early 50s when I first met him about 15 years ago. And he was already experiencing many of the problems men face in middle age: Loss of performance and desire, heavy deposits of fat around his face and belly and painfully low energy levels.
But if you saw how great Patrick looks and feels today, you'd scarcely believe he's the same man — or that he could possibly be 15 years older.
You see, Patrick took full advantage of the telomere discoveries revealed at the Palm Beach Anti-Aging Summit to make himself physically and biologically younger.
And his transformation is nothing short of amazing.
Patrick turns 65 this year, but as his doctor, I know he:
...has the neurological age (brain power) of a 44-­year-­old...
...has the lung power of a 24­-year­-old...
...and enjoys the strength, flexibility and stamina of a college kid — and beats guys half his age at Brazilian jiu­jitsu (a martial art)...
Furthermore, his eyesight has improved. His cholesterol is lower. And his blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides are all normal or better.
And in large part, this is all thanks to the new telomere discoveries revealed at the Palm Beach Anti-Aging Summit — including breakthroughs on how you can slow the shortening of your telomeres and even lengthen them.
How to Make Your Telomeres Grow,
So You Can Live Longer
Among other things, you'll hear about the discovery of the enzyme, telomerase. And you'll hear about it from the man who led the team that discovered this enzyme, Dr. Bill Andrews.
Telomerase is an enzyme produced in your body that helps your telomeres grow.
However, at some point in your life the gene behind its production simply shuts down, stopping telomerase production cold.
Scientists, including Dr. Bill Andrews, have been searching long and hard for a way to restart telomerase production so your body can once again protect and grow your telomeres.
The good news is, it appears we've done it thanks to a carefully selected group of nutrients that gets the telomerase flowing again.
And once that happens, and you slow or even stop the shortening of your telomeres — and perhaps even begin rebuilding and lengthening them — it's like reprogramming your body and reversing the signs of aging.
And no matter how old you look or feel right now you'll see dramatic improvements — just like my patient Patrick.
Because think about it, when your telomeres grow longer, your cells literally get younger with each passing day!
But it does more than just help you live longer... it helps you live better too. The longer your telomeres, the better your overall health.
Here's just some of what you'll discover in these exciting presentations:
  • Common mistakes that accelerate the shortening of your telomeres — and shorten your life. How to avoid them.
  • How drinking just one soda a day can shorten your life by 4.6 years. It's just one of the many ways your telomeres get shortened.
  • Nine things you can do right now to prevent accelerated telomere shortening. Peer-reviewed studies show the way to a longer life without drugs or supplements.
  • The surprising impact positive thinking has on your telomeres. Why believing you'll live to be 100 might actually help make it so!
  • Foods that protect your telomeres... and foods that degrade and shorten them.
  • Dangerous amino acid triples the loss of telomere length. How to scrub it from your blood. [Homocysteine]
  • Herbal extract boosts telomerase activity by 300%. Super power for your telomeres according to the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology.
  • Special tea extract adds five years to your life. Study published in the British Journal of Nutrition reveals it lengthens telomeres enough to give you an extra five years of good living.
  • Turn your telomerase gene back on. Potent amino acid appears to succeed according to research published in the journal Mechanisms of Ageing and Development.
  • Little-known form of vitamin E increased telomere length by 16% within 24 hours! Remarkable study published in Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. But you can't just take vitamin E to get the results.
  • Telomere shortening slowed by up to 62%! More evidence that you need to take this powerful vitamin.
  • Two minerals critical to telomerase production in your body. Yet most people don't get near enough because of our modern diet.
But that's not all. In addition to revealing these remarkable life-giving breakthroughs, we also had six bonus sessions with even more critical ideas and advice for living a longer, healthier life, including...
  • How to reduce your stress for optimal health (and improve your relationships at the same time) with John Gray, author of the monster best-seller (more than 50 million copies sold) Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.
  • How to create your personal anti-aging diet factoring in your genetic make-up and food allergies (even ones you may not know you have). Reverse fatigue, stomach discomfort, nasal congestion, dizziness and even more serious conditions like depression, ADD and atrial fibrillation — with a few simple changes to your diet.3
  • How taking care of your teeth and gums can add 10 years to your life. The little-known field of anti-aging dentistry unlocks secrets to reducing your risk of heart attack, stroke and obesity. Because oral bacteria trigger 50% of all heart attacks in the U.S.
  • How bringing hormonal balance to your body can be the most important factor in staying active in your golden years. Ward Dean, MD, one of the true pioneers in anti-aging, reveals how to stimulate your memory and energy, restart your libido and live longer.
  • The world's FIRST anti-aging fitness program with yours truly, Al Sears, MD! Lose weight faster and keep it off, reduce your risk of heart failure and preserve your telomere length (which as you know, means a longer life) — all in just 36 minutes a week.
  • How gene therapy will lengthen and increase the quality of your life with Elizabeth Parrish of BioViva USA, a company in the midst of the world's FIRST human gene therapy. This could be a godsend for those genetically pre-disposed to Alzheimer's, cancer or any other life-threatening disease.
A Standing Ovation from Attendees
As you can see, the Palm Beach Anti-Aging Summit featured a "dream team" line-up of speakers like none ever before assembled. I'm not sure I'll ever be able to put together a team like this again.
They wowed the attendees with their insights, ideas and recommendations. And I think they'll wow you, too, as you discover how these breakthroughs can help you avoid aging's most debilitating diseases, while living a longer, healthier and more vibrant life.
But don't take my word for it. Listen to what those who were there, and saw the whole thing live and in person have to say:
Interesting and exciting speakers
"The entire Anti-Aging Summit was a wonderful experience. Each speaker was interesting and full of exciting information... We are shifting into a new paradigm of medicine. We are moving away from pharmaceuticals and the treatment of symptoms, and shifting into enabling our bodies to heal themselves."
—Donna Render, Winter Park, Florida
"A mind-blowing, awesome experience"
"I'm so grateful for such a mind-blowing, awesome experience you so generously made possible. I was in awe of the line-up of speakers you brought together. Totally got me thinking... renewed thoughts of new possibilities. Thank you all for such a positive and mind-expanding experience!"
—Nori S., Delray Beach, FL
"Lives changed by this technology"
"This was better than I ever imagined. I know so many people who can have their lives changed by this technology!"
—Gloria M., Port St. Lucie, FL
"So happy we made this trip from Kentucky"
"Speakers were so outstanding. So excited about stem cells and our future. So happy we made this trip from Kentucky."
—Barbara B., Louisville, KY
 "Quality of the speakers was first-class"
"This was a fabulous conference in all ways. The quality of the speakers was first-class, as well as the content. The reflection of Dr. Sears' soul was impressive — giving, committed, and a part of a forward-looking community."
—Lynn S. Bachrach
"I can't believe the group of scientists"
"I think the world of Al Sears, and everything he does... I can't believe the group of scientists and doctors that you have put together for this conference. I speak at a lot of conferences. The best in the world are at this conference. I've never been at one like this before. This is really fantastic."
—Dr. Bill Andrews, who led the team that discovered the telomerase enzyme
The New Era of Age Reversal is Upon us...
Here's How You Can Be A Part of it
Two hundred and sixty-eight attendees paid up to $500 each — plus many hundreds or even thousands more on hotel, meals and travel — to be a part of this once-in-a-lifetime event. Not a single attendee asked for a refund. And we could have sold many more seats if we'd had the room.
But even if you missed it, you can now see every exhilarating minute at a fraction of what live attendees paid by getting your own copy of the DVDs.
Your price: Just $249, plus $6.95 shipping and handling.
You get 5 DVDs, with all 14 presentations. 
In 30 Years, These Breakthroughs Will Be Mainstream Medicine... But You Have Access to Them Right NOW!
I hold an event like this every three or four years... but this is by far the best collection of speakers I've ever put together at one time.
And it's unlikely I'll ever again be able to pull it off again. After all, each member of my dream team of anti-aging doctors and scientists is so busy and in such high demand that it's a miracle I was able to find a two-day window that fit each of their schedules.
Fortunately, the stars aligned for us and the Palm Beach Anti-Aging Summit came off without a hitch. And our attendees got all the details on the latest anti-aging breakthroughs.
In 20 or 30 years, these breakthroughs are likely to be a part of the medical mainstream. But when you grab your copy of these DVDs, you'll have access to them right now. And you'll have a much better chance of being vibrant, healthy and alive 30 years from now!
Buy Healthy Supplements & Learn About Dr. Sears Private Label PRIMAL FORCE by clicking this LINK..
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
Al Sears, MD, CNS
1. Weatherford S. Steve Weatherford explains why NFL players often sleep in hyperbaric chambers. December 7, 2015
2. Tests and Procedures. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Why it’s done. Mayo Clinic.
3. Diseases and Conditions. Food allergy. Symptoms. Mayo Clinic.

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