Telomere - Wikipedia

Google: lengthen telomeres naturally Telomere - Wikipedia Telomeres are repetitive nucleotide sequences located at the termini of l...

Is Omega Rejuvenol The Best Telomere Supplement?

Dear Health Conscious Reader,
What if one of the most powerful healing discoveries on earth...
...something that could do wonders for your heart, brain, blood sugar, vision, joints, cholesterol, triglycerides, breathing and aging...
...was unavailable to you in its fullest strength and potency?
You'd feel disappointed, discouraged, even angry. Who's to blame you?
Yet sadly, this is the reality of nature's most powerful heart-, brain- and lifesaver — omega-3s.
Nearly 30 years ago, I first learned about the importance of omega-3 fatty acids.
So, I began to eat more fish and take fistfuls of fish oil to boost omega-3 levels in my body — and recommended my patients do the same.
We had good results. But that was then.
Now, I've found something light years ahead — something far better that solves the hidden problems of fish oil
When patients ask me about fish oil today, I tell them, "Forget fish oil!"
  • Fish oil FAILS to deliver enough of the most important omega-3, DHA, so you don't get its full power.
  •  Fish oil FAILS to get into your cells quickly enough, so you don't get all the health-boosting results you want.
  • Fish oil FAILS to cross the blood/brain barrier, so your brain doesn't get all the omega-3 nourishment it needs.
  •  Many fish oils FAIL to deliver the omega-3s listed on bottle labels, so you end up wasting your money on next to nothing.
The result? What is arguably the greatest healing breakthrough the medical world has ever seen never gets to most people. It's SHAMEFUL!
That's why I'm excited to tell you about a new and superior omega-3 breakthrough that's three generations ahead of any fish oil.
It brings together,  for the first time in medical history, three unique sources of omega-3s that solve all of the problems of fish oil and unleash the full power of omega-3s.
Best yet, it's now available to you in a new one-each-day softgel called Omega Rejuvenol.
I'm going to tell you why Omega Rejuvenol delivers 800% more omega-3 power than fish oil...
...how it can give you a biologically younger heart, brain, lungs, eyes and joints — like someone HALF your age...
...and how it can support healthy cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure and blood sugar — ALL in just one softgel each day. 
30% MORE Omega-3s than fish oil
There's good reason why doctors at the American Heart Association recommend you eat fatty fish at least two times a week.
Omega-3s found in fish benefit the hearts of healthy people, as well as those suffering from heart problems.
This is why fish oil sales rocketed to $1.2 billion in the U.S. in 2013 alone.
But I no longer rely on eating fish to get all the omega-3s I need each day, and I've thrown OUT all my fish oil.
Why? Absorbability is a BIG problem with fish oil. In fish oil, the key omega-3 fatty acid, DHA, is bound to triglycerides or ethyl esters (types of fat). Because of that, fish oil LOSES many of its benefits when those fats are burned as energy.
I've found something far better in absorption and potency than fish oil... krill oil.
Krill are tiny shrimp-like creatures that swim in huge biomasses in the pure, cold waters near the South Pole.
Nature magazine hails krill as the basic source of energy for almost all marine life in the world's oceans.
The omega-3s (especially DHA) in krill oil are bound to another type of fat called a phospholipid — which is much simpler to digest than the triglyceride or ethyl ester form found in fish oil.
In fact, the DHA found in krill oil is able to penetrate into nearly EVERY cell in your body — and even into your cells' power plants (the mitochondria) in a far superior way than fish oil.
krill-oil-chart-01Don't just take my word for it. In a study published in Nutrition Research, krill oil, fish oil and olive oil were compared to see which one raised omega-3 levels higher.
Seventy-six overweight and obese people took 2 grams of krill oil, fish oil or olive oil every day for four weeks — then their omega-3 levels were tested. The results really caught my attention.
Those taking olive oil saw their omega-3s rise 2.9%. Those taking fish oil saw their omega-3s rise 131.8%. But those taking krill oil saw their omega-3s skyrocket 178.4%. That's 30% MORE omega-3s absorbed from krill oil than from fish oil!1
Alternative Medicine Review published a study proving krill oil's superiority over fish oil for healthier cholesterol and triglycerides. They learned...
>> Krill oil worked 8 times better than fish oil for healthier LDL cholesterol: Those who took krill oil had over 800% better results than those taking fish oil for maintaining healthy LDL cholesterol!
>> Krill oil worked 8 times better than fish oil for healthier triglycerides:Those who took krill oil also had over 800% better results than those taking fish oil for maintaining healthy triglycerides!
>> Krill oil worked 3 times better than fish oil for total cholesterol: Those who took krill oil had over 300% better results than those taking fish oil for maintaining total healthy cholesterol!
>> Krill oil worked 14 times better than fish oil for raising HDL "good" cholesterol: Those who took krill oil had over 1400% better results than those taking fish oil for keeping their HDL "good" cholesterol at healthy levels!
Imagine how great you'll feel when your heart is nourished each day with the full power of omega-3s found in the new Omega Rejuvenol. You'll feel re-energized to...
...take long walks along the beach, in the mountains or in your neighborhood
...tackle big home improvement projects you've been meaning to do
...join family or friends on that dream vacation or cruise
...re-do your garden and enjoy the "fruits" of your labors
...enjoy the best of life again.
Raise DHA levels in your body
and supercharge your health
DHA is a lifesaver because every one of your cells has built-in receptors that absorb it, and every one of your cells is craving it. Fueling your body with high levels of DHA can do wonders for your health. New research backs this up.
 A supercharged memory: Tufts University researchers report that those with high levels of DHA have a 47% lower risk of memory and brain concerns.2
 Healthy blood sugar: DHA supports a healthy response to insulin in 70% of people that used it in a study.3
 Sharp vision and healthy eyes: Studies show that folks with high levels of DHA were up to 50% more likely to have healthy maculas.4
 Great joint mobility: Highly absorbable DHA supports healthy joints and offers great mobility and comfort for joints.5
This is why Omega Rejuvenol includes krill oil — because it gives you far more usable DHA than fish oil.
But it also includes a second unique source of omega-3 that solves another big problem that makes fish oil obsolete.
Fish oil does NOT get into your cells quickly or deeply enough. It can't get to all the places it needs in your body to deliver healing DHA.
So you may be taking fistfuls of fish oil — and not getting the results you want. That's not good enough for me.
That's why I began looking for a better, more concentrated source of omega-3 DHA. And I found it where nobody else was looking.
If you saw my passport, you'd know I've traveled the world over seeking out new and better breakthroughs to help boost and protect your health.
But where I found an amazing new source of DHA — one that's far superior than any fish oil—was a real surprise.
I found the Argentinian squid, thriving by the billions in the icy, pure waters off the tip of South America.
arg-squidWhat got my attention is this mighty mollusk is loaded with DHA. In fact, after this special squid oil is processed, it delivers over 65% DHA — the highest concentration of DHA ever achieved in natural medicine!
This is why I've added this unique squid oil to my supercharged, super-rich Omega Rejuvenol. Each daily serving gives you a healthy supply of squid oil (calamarine oil), making Omega Rejuvenol like a DHA express train!
And when you flood your body with healing DHA, amazing things can happen ...
Paul K. of Missouri was an avid runner for years, but that took its toll. He developed pain in his knees and feet that got so bad, he had operations on both. Still, he had some pain, making running again futile.
After taking Omega Rejuvenol, Paul's back running again — and his body is not complaining. Plus, he says, "My lung capacity is improving, too."
Freda G. from Holland writes, "I have been taking Omega Rejuvenol for about one month now. But I noticed after taking it just three days that aches and pains I have had in my legs for the last 5 years have completely vanished.
"About 5 years ago I started to get aches and pains in my leg, which is now a thing of the past. I am very happy that the one problem that I could not resolve has now been resolved with Omega Rejuvenol."
Why such remarkable results for pain and discomfort?
Because Omega-3s are nature's
ultimate inflammation fighters
The European Journal of Pharmacology reports that omega-3s are known to possess "anti-inflammatory properties" and are proven effective in "reducing joint pain and morning stiffness." 6
But why are omega-3s and DHA so powerful and effective at quelling joint discomfort?
Scientists at the University of California, San Diego, discovered a protein receptor —GPR120 — that is found on immune cells that trigger joint discomfort.
More important, they found that this protein receptor linked to joint discomfort binds to omega-3s.
To confirm this link, the scientists doused GPR120-containing mouse immune cells with omega-3 fatty acids. The results? The omega-3s supported the healthy pathways with a very powerful effect.7
New "piggy back" technology speeds
rejuvenating DHA to every cell in your body
Combining my squid oil with krill oil gives both the power to penetrate deeply. This gets rejuvenating DHA to every hungry cell in your body, something fish oil can't do.
The secret — and no one else is doing this — is that my squid oil rides "piggy back" on krill oil.
You could take squid oil and krill oil separately, but they wouldn't work together like they do in Omega Rejuvenol — partnering to flood every cell in your body with omega-3's power.
The only way to get this powerful one-two punch is with my breakthrough Omega Rejuvenol formula. Together, they help you feel like you've got NEW knees, hips, hands and joints.
 Want to golf 36 holes a day or play tennis for three hours? No problem.
 Want to hike to that beautiful mountain waterfall or run a 5K? No problem.
 Want to swim for a mile or compete with your dog in agility events? No problem.
 Want to knit a blanket for a grandchild or tie some new fishing flies? No problem.
 Want to work on the computer for hours or handwrite letters galore? No problem.
With Omega Rejuvenol, you can move, bend and flex — with ease — and enjoy the best of life. 
But that's not all. Wait until you see how Omega Rejuvenol can supercharge your mind and memory, thanks to the world's strongest antioxidant.
Enjoy a "super brain" at any age with the help of the world's strongest antioxidant
brain-lgIf my Omega Rejuvenol only contained squid oil and krill oil, it would still be a remarkable new formula.
But I didn't stop there.
I've also included an extraordinary antioxidant astaxanthin, which along with krill oil, solves another big problem with fish oil.

Fish oil can't cross the protective blood-brain barrier.
But Omega Rejuvenol can!
According to Harvard Medical School, your brain is "protected from most toxins and bacterial infections" by a special blood brain barrier.
But while the blood brain barrier works to keep many dangerous substances OUT of your brain, it also hinders some helpful things like the omega-3s found in fish oil from getting INTO your brain.
This is a problem, because omega-3s, especially DHA, are vital for your brain, mind and memory. In fact, low DHA is a telltale sign of an aging brain, verified in a study published in the journal Neurology.
I've been able to fix this limitation of fish oil by making sure that the DHA found in krill oil is attached to its naturally occurring partner, the super antioxidant astaxanthin.
Together, krill oil and astaxanthin CAN cross the blood-brain barrier and deliver a rich supply of omega-3 DHA deep into your brain cells.
Soon, you'll find yourself with the ability to...
  • Learn new things
  • Keep up with the younger generation
  • Recapture your most treasured memories
  • Take care of all your personal and financial matters with ease 
"Because of health problems, my husband lost his memory two years ago. Last month, he started taking Omega Rejuvenol and yesterday, he began remembering the past and talking a mile a minute. Previously, he was very quiet and not retaining much of what was going on around him. It was like the floodgates opened up."

—Laurel T., California
But there's even more Omega Rejuvenol can do for you, especially if you're concerned about premature aging...
We know that telomeres are what really control aging. Telomeres are a little bit of genetic material found at the end of each strand of DNA in your cells.
Every time your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter. As a result, your body produces cells that are older, weaker and more decrepit.
WORSE, as your telomeres shorten, your body ages more rapidly. This can lead to a weak heart... memory problems... sore joints... weak bones... aging skin... poor vision... breathing difficulties... and many other old-age ailments.
New medical research shows that if you boost the health of your telomeres and lengthen them, your cells stay youthful and keep dividing indefinitely!
This means you feel younger and healthier... dodge many old-age ailments... and stay OUT of the hospital. 
There's a new way to supercharge your cells' telomeres, extend cell life and "de-age" your body. Your cells' telomeres come with an enzyme designed to rebuild them called telomerase.
When you nurture your body with telomerase, you boost telomeres and power up cells in your heart, brain, joints and whole body.
I'm excited to tell you that my new Omega Rejuvenol includes NEW telomere and telomerase boosters! The secret to these boosters was hidden in our past...
A secret of our ancient ancestors: "Young Again" vitamins most people are lacking today
Did you know that our ancient ancestors had unlimited access to vitamins from foods that kept them strong, vital and young?
Many Native cultures like Australian Aborigines, Indians of North America, Eskimos, New Zealand Maoris and African tribes had near perfect teeth... strong, fat-free bodies... little or no disease... and almost endless youth.
Their diets of Native foods included organ meats, butter fat, marine oils, fish, shellfish, eggs and animal tallows that gave them 10 times more fat soluble vitamins than what we find in today's processed foods.
The sad fact is, most people today are lacking these vitamins — and are looking and feeling decades older before their time.
Why are these fat soluble vitamins so vital for young-again living? They help your cells stay young because they boost telomere health and telomerase activity.
For the first time, I've combined these hard-to-get vitamins with the most powerful Omega-3s on earth
These dynamic vitamins include...
Vitamin D3: The telomerase supercharger
Vitamin D is the "sunshine vitamin" because the best way to get more of it is from the sun.
But according to Scientific American, three quarters of U.S. adults and teens are deficient in vitamin D.
And if you're lacking vitamin D, genes that are designed to keep your heart, brain, blood sugar, blood pressure healthy CAN'T work properly.
More important, we now know that vitamin D supports healthy levels of telomerase, the enzyme that rebuilds telomeres. A recent study showed that vitamin D supercharges telomerase activity by 19.2%.8
This is why my new Omega Rejuvenol includes the most natural and usable form of vitamin D, vitamin D3.
Mixed Tocotrienols: The little-known telomere supporter
Mixed Tocotrienols are members of the vitamin E family, yet you won't get them in any multi-vitamin or typical vitamin E supplement.
This overlooked form of vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps squelch age-robbing free radicals. It also helps keep your heart, brain and blood vessels healthy.
What's more, the most well-known form of vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, protects against telomere shortening by activating and restoring telomerase.9
Plus, in one study, telomere lengths were 16% longer than controls when exposed to gamma tocotrienol (a lesser known form of vitamin E).10
Now, in Omega Rejuvenol, you get the right dose of Mixed Tocotrienols not found in typical vitamin E supplements to boost telomere and telomerase health and activity.
Vitamin K2: The missing longevity secret
Found in organ meats, egg yolks, some dairy products, fermented cheese curd and Japanese natto, vitamin K2 activates proteins that play a vital role in the health of your heart, bones, brain, joints and more.
Even better, vitamin K2 has been shown to have healthy,  positive effects on telomere length and longevity. This may even explain why people who took 45 mcg of K2 every day were found to live seven years longer than those who only took 12 mcg per day, according to The Rotterdam Study.11
Yet most people don't get enough vitamin K2, if any, from their diets or supplements. This is why each serving of Omega Rejuvenol also includes vitamin K2.
Vitamin A Retinol: The telomere best friend
Vitamin A supports clear vision...keeps your immune system strong ...and promotes healthy, younger looking skin.
But most people take vitamin A beta carotene, not retinol. And you need vitamin A retinol because it's linked to boosting telomere health and activity.
In a study reported in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, women who took vitamin A as part of a multivitamin had healthier telomeres.12
This is why my new Omega Rejuvenol also includes the preferred form of vitamin A as retinol in each serving.
Each of these hard-to-get fat soluble vitamins help maintain telomere length and healthy activity of telomerase. It's like you're re-activating your body's "eternal youth" gene!
"I noticed a surge of everything the first day I took Omega Rejuvenol. It was like I dropped 10 years off my age. I am close to 80 but I feel more like I am 60. At that age, I was still a man to be taken seriously, by men and women. And I can tell you that is a good feeling to have at any age."

Forget fistfuls of fish oil and Omega-3 products.
"A one-each-day Omega Rejuvenol softgel works better than all of them — and for less than the cost of a cup of coffee."
That's right! No wasting money on cheaply processed, questionably sourced fish oil. No wasting money on buying separate krill oil, calamarine oil or "grow younger" vitamins. No wasting money on fistfuls of big fish oil capsules or omega-3 pills that are hard to swallow.
Taking my new Omega Rejuvenol can save you hundreds of dollars a year compared to taking fistfuls of obsolete fish oil or omega-3 products.
I've taken a hard look at many of the nearly 1,000 studies documenting the healing power of omega-3s and telomere lengthening and telomerase activating.
I've seen astonishing results in my biologically young and healthy patients who are supporting their omega-3 levels and supercharging telomeres and telomerase.
And I intend to have the energy and vitality I had in my 20s and 30s, even as I hit age 60, 70 and beyond.
It's time for you to forget outdated fish oil and cookie cutter anti-aging formulas...
...and try the one and only breakthrough natural formula with a combination of ingredients clinically proven to...
...unleash the most absorbable and powerful form of omega-3s deeply into your cells... harness the "Universal Healing Nutrient"...  and re-activate your "eternal youth" gene.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
Al Sears, MD, CNS

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