Telomere - Wikipedia

Google: lengthen telomeres naturally Telomere - Wikipedia Telomeres are repetitive nucleotide sequences located at the termini of l...

After short telomeres had this “telomere-building enzyme” turned on...

My Shocking Anti-Aging Test Results

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By Al Sears, MD

My Shocking Anti-Aging Test Results
I have a secret that helps me have more fun when I play tennis.
I’m not the best tennis player in the world, but I always know the other person will get tired before I do. And I never have any thought of taking it easy, or conserving my energy.
I just go for it.
The secret that gives me this continuing energy is having a young heart. And I don’t mean feeling “young at heart.” I mean my heart actually performs younger than my 57-year old chronological age.
If you’ve been reading, you may remember the results of my new telomere test. My lungs grew 7 years younger since my last test. Now, my lung power equals the lung power typical of an 18-year old.
Here’s what I didn’t tell you.
The real age of my heart has come all the way down to 25.
And if you take the average age of my heart and lungs (18 and 25), it gives me an overall cardiopulmonary age of 21.5.
That’s a pretty fine number, if you ask me. I’m very grateful I discovered how this telomere technology works. And I have to tell you, “I feel great!“
But I want you to know... You can do this, too.
I’m confident you can get the same results because my patients get the same age-reversing effects I do.
My patient “L.S.” is a good example. When I first tested her telomere length, she had an overall biological age of 77.
Her brain was a bit younger at 69, but biologically her lungs were 86!
I designed a telomere maintenance protocol for her, like I do with all my telomere patients. It’s the same one I use, and I’ll show you how it works in just a minute.
First, I want to show you what happened to L.S.
The transformation is incredible.
Her overall biological age is almost 20 years younger.
Her mind has become a decade stronger and smarter, and her lungs reversed their age by an incredible 27 years.
Here’s her chart I showed the doctors at a recent anti-aging conference:

The red lines are her original, or baseline telomere tests. You can see on the left her overall biological age measured 77 years, and two columns over, her lung power (pulmonary age) was much older at 86.
Now if you look at the gold bars, you can see how her age dropped across the board.
If you’re not a regular reader, telomeres are the bits of DNA at the end of each chromosome. You have them in every cell of your body. And the shorter they get, the older you look and the more decrepit you feel.
When you prevent them from getting shorter, or make them longer, you have the ability to program your body to create younger cells.
I’ve spent the last 6 years using this technology to help people just like you restore power, strength, mental clarity and an overwhelming sense of optimism. I have it, and it makes life more enjoyable than even I thought it could be.
Today we have a lot of evidence to back up
what maintaining your telomeres can do.
Like this absolutely incredible study on the Harvard mice by Dr. DePinho.
As I’ve shared with you in previous letters, Dr. DePinho is a professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School and director of applied cancer science at the Boston-based Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
When mice with short telomeres had this “telomere-building enzyme” turned on, they turned from old mice to looking and acting like young mice in only one month.
Brain cells that were dormant became re-energized. Their old organs reverted to normal and healthy and functioned well. The mice got their sense of smell back. And these previously old, impotent, sexually inactive and sterile mice went back to having sex and reproducing and went on to live long healthy lives.1
After Dr. DePinho and his colleagues had taken mice and made them young again, he said the study produced results that were the equivalent of finding the famed fountain of youth.
I also recently read in the journal from the European Molecular Biology Organization, that researchers had maintained the length of telomeres in elderly mice and again saw incredibly positive anti-aging results.
The mice lived longer, but that wasn’t the important thing for me.
It was that the mice were living BETTER
for a LONGER time.
The bottom line is that younger cells have longer telomeres, older cells have shorter telomeres and we now have the technology for the first time to give you a special blend of nutrients that have been shown to support longer telomeres.
It sounds fantastic but it’s actually here now. We’ve made a giant leap forward with this dramatic breakthrough. I believe it’s a whole new category of technology and a whole new category of nutritional supplementation. Telomere length protection and preservation is a whole new goal of my nutritional supplementation programs.
By now, you probably know I’ve been working on telomere support formulas for years. The first one was so expensive, only the very wealthy could afford it. But I knew from the effects I was feeling we were on to something big.
When most people get to my age, they start thinking about retirement. But when I started this therapy I felt like my whole life was in front of me.
It was a direct shot of hope and optimism that’s hard to put into words. I immediately felt at peace with myself, and thrilled to be alive.
Many of my patients were just as happy. And I was glad to provide the very first telomere support system for them.
Then like all technology, more people started using it, and the price came down. All the way from $20,000 down to $4,000.
But something about that always bothered me. I never liked the fact that the cost made it... well... kind of “elitist.” It made me very uncomfortable the entire time.
So I spent hundreds of research hours creating a more reasonable replacement. And when I first launched Essence, I was excited to finally have a reliable telomere support supplement that was both affordable and effective.
Instead of just one active compound in the prototype, Essence had 16 natural nutrients that support and maintain your telomeres. Some that are up to 10X MORE powerful than the single compound in the original.
Essence is now the most popular supplement I’ve ever designed. And when people start taking it, they don’t stop. They just don’t want to risk losing the benefits.
But in the 18 months since we first introduced Essence, I’ve been working on ways to make it more concentrated, more bioavailable, and more affordable.
The new, second-generation formula is a powder, not a capsule. And this new format helped us INCREASE the dose you’re getting of several key telomere supporters, like our proprietary amino hTERT complex that helps support telomerase, the enzyme that rebuilds your telomeres.
That means parts of our new formula I’m calling Ultra-Essence are almost 10X times MORE powerful than the original... which means they’re almost 100X times MORE powerful than the first supplement we tested that cost $20,000!
I have to say, I’ve written more than a dozen books on natural healing. I’ve discovered hundreds of cures from around the world, and produced over a hundred healing formulas.
Out of all those discoveries I’ve investigated, created and prescribed...
This is the single best formula I’ve ever created as a doctor.
It’s by far the most advanced natural supplement of its kind anywhere in the world.
We’ve done a lot to get it down into the price range where the average working person can get it... if you think it’s important enough, and if you really want to commit to it.
And I’m happy to report the cost of the new Ultra-Essence is not one penny more than the old formula.
What I’ve done is made Essence 10X
more powerful for the same money.
When you take advantage of the lowest priced option, it comes out to about the cost of a daily quick lunch. That’s not too expensive when you think about it that way... it makes it possible for people with average incomes. You don’t have to be super wealthy to try Ultra-Essence.
And remember, as always, I give you my unconditional assurance that if for any reason you are unsatisfied at any time, you can return the unused portion of Ultra-Essence for a full and prompt refund of every penny. That way, you risk nothing.
It’s the most advanced telomerase supporting supplement that’s ever been created, and has elements that are 100 times more powerful than the original breakthrough that cost a small fortune.
Try it today... because keeping your telomeres long and healthy is one of the most important things you can do to keep the rest of your body young and healthy. just click the link below:
And if you’re like me, you may agree it’s like taking a sip from the fountain of youth.

1. Horner J, Maratos-Flier E, Depinho R, et. al. “Telomerase reactivation reverses tissue degeneration in aged telomerase-deficient mice.” Nature. 2011 Jan 6;469(7328):102-6.

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